- occlusive: 闭合的
- occlusion: 闭合,闭塞
- malocclusion: 错合,牙合不正
- occlusal: 咬合面的
- occlusion vs obstruction: occlusion强调的是完全的、闭合的阻塞,而obstruction指任何形式的阻塞。
- temporomandibular occlusion: 颞颌关节咬合
- arterial occlusion: 动脉闭塞
- venous occlusion: 静脉闭塞
- blockage
- closure
- obstruction
- opening
- permeability
occlusion (noun): The occlusion of something is the act or process of closing it or blocking it so that it cannot be used, or the fact of being closed or blocked in this way.
occlusion (noun, dentistry): Occlusion is the way that the upper and lower teeth bite together.
occlusion (noun): The state of being closed or blocked by something.
occlusion (noun, dentistry): The way in which the upper and lower sets of teeth come together when the mouth is closed.
1. The doctor recommended treatment for the arterial occlusion. (医生建议治疗动脉闭塞。)
2. Malocclusion can cause problems with chewing and speaking. (错合会导致咀嚼和说话困难。)
3. The occlusive bandage was applied to the wound. (伤口上贴了闭合性绷带。)
4. The dentist examined the patient's occlusion to identify any bite abnormalities. (牙医检查了患者的咬合情况,以确定是否有咬合异常。)
- No treatment was necessary for the occlusion of the minor blood vessels. (对于微小血管的闭塞,不需要治疗。)
- We need to correct the malocclusion to prevent further dental problems. (我们需要矫正错合,以防止进一步的牙齿问题。)
- The occlusive dressing helped protect the wound from infection. (闭合性敷料有助于保护伤口免受感染。)
- The dentist adjusted the patient's occlusion to improve their bite. (牙医调整了患者的咬合情况,以改善他们的咀嚼。)
- Arterial occlusion can lead to tissue damage if not treated promptly. (如不及时治疗,动脉闭塞可能导致组织损伤。)
- His speech was affected by the malocclusion of his teeth. (由于牙齿错合,他的言语受到影响。)
- The occlusion of the pipe caused a buildup of pressure. (管道的闭塞导致压力积聚。)
- The orthodontist recommended braces to correct the patient's occlusion. (正畸师建议戴牙套矫正患者的咬合。)
- Venous occlusion can result in swelling and pain in the affected area. (静脉闭塞可能导致患处肿胀和疼痛。)
- The occlusive nature of the adhesive ensured a strong bond between the materials. (胶水的闭合性质确保了材料之间的牢固粘合。)
- The dentist examined the patient's occlusion to determine the cause of their jaw pain. (牙医检查患者的咬合情况,以确定下颌疼痛的原因。)
- The occlusion of the road due to construction caused traffic delays. (由于施工导致道路封闭,造成交通延误。)
- Proper occlusion is important for comfortable and efficient chewing. (适当的咬合对于舒适和高效的咀嚼很重要。)
- She wore a nightguard to prevent further damage to her teeth caused by occlusion. (她戴着保护牙齿的夜间牙套,以防止咬合造成进一步损伤。)
- The occlusion of the blood vessels can lead to restricted blood flow. (血管的闭塞可能导致血流受限。)
- The dentist made adjustments to the patient's occlusion to improve their bite alignment. (牙医对患者的咬合进行了调整,以改善他们的咬合对齐情况。)
- Obstruction or occlusion of the airway can be life-threatening. (气道的阻塞或闭塞可能危及生命。)
- The occlusion of the drain caused water to back up in the sink. (排水口的闭塞导致水在水槽中倒灌。)
- She had a malocclusion that required orthodontic treatment. (她有一个需要正畸治疗的错合情况。)
- The occlusive dressing should be changed regularly to prevent infection. (应定期更换闭合性敷料,以防止感染。)