curl up [kɜːl ʌp] (动词短语)
- 紧缩的;蜷缩的
- (尤指因寒冷或恐惧)蜷缩成一团的
- 蜷缩的姿势;卷曲的形状
curl up一词源自于curl(卷曲)和up(向上),意为“卷曲起来”。
- curl (动词) - 卷曲;弯曲;蜷曲
- curl (名词) - 卷发;卷曲物
- curler (名词) - 卷发器
curl up与其他词汇的辨析:
- curl up与huddle up的区别:huddle up强调因冷或害怕而聚集在一起,形成一团或一堆;而curl up强调身体蜷缩成一团。
- curl up与coil的区别:curl up指身体曲折地蜷缩成一团;而coil指物体或某一部分曲折地盘绕、卷曲。
- huddle up
- snuggle up
- curl into a ball
- stretch out
- unfold
- straighten
curl up (动词短语)
- If you curl up, you sit or lie in a position with your arms and legs close to your body.
- If you curl up somewhere, you sit or lie in a comfortable position, usually because you want to go to sleep or because you feel unhappy.
- If you curl up with a book or with the television, you sit or lie somewhere in a relaxed position, reading or watching it.
- If you curl up with someone, you sit or lie very close to them, often in order to keep warm or to be affectionate.
curl up (动词短语)
- 形成一团,蜷缩
- (因伤心、痛苦等)变得萎靡不振
- He curled up on the sofa and watched TV.(他蜷缩在沙发上看电视。)
- She curled up in bed with a good book.(她蜷缩在床上读一本好书。)
- He curled up next to her and put his arm around her.(他蜷缩在她旁边,搂住她的胳膊。)
- She curled up in the armchair and fell asleep.(她蜷缩在扶手椅上睡着了。)
- I like to curl up by the fire with a cup of tea.(我喜欢靠在火炉旁边,喝着一杯茶。)
- After a long day at work, I just want to curl up in bed.(工作了一整天后,我只想蜷缩在床上。)
- The cat curled up on the cushion.(猫蜷缩在垫子上。)
- She curled up on the couch with a blanket.(她裹着毯子蜷缩在沙发上。)
- Feeling cold, he curled up under the covers.(感到冷,他蜷缩在被子底下。)
- She curled up in the corner, trying to make herself as small as possible.(她蜷缩在角落里,尽量让自己变得很小。)
- He found a cozy spot and curled up for a nap.(他找了一个舒适的地方蜷缩睡觉。)
- She curled up on the window seat and watched the rain.(她蜷缩在窗座上看着雨水。)
- He curled up on the floor and cried.(他蜷缩在地板上哭了起来。)
- I love to curl up with a good book on a rainy day.(我喜欢在雨天蜷缩着读一本好书。)
- When she's feeling sad, she curls up in her room and listens to music.(当她感到悲伤时,她蜷缩在房间里听音乐。)
- He curled up in the corner of the room, hiding from the world.(他蜷缩在房间的角落里,躲避世界。)
- They curled up together on the sofa, enjoying each other's company.(他们蜷缩在沙发上,享受彼此的陪伴。)
- She curled up next to the fireplace to keep warm.(她蜷缩在壁炉旁边取暖。)
- He curled up under the tree and took a nap.(他蜷缩在树下小睡了一会儿。)
- She curled up in her favorite chair and read her book.(她蜷缩在她最喜欢的椅子上读书。)
- The child curled up on the floor, feeling scared and alone.(孩子蜷缩在地板上,感到害怕和孤单。)
- The dog curled up at the foot of the bed.(狗蜷缩在床脚下。)
- He curled up on the park bench and closed his eyes.(他蜷缩在公园的长椅上,闭上了眼睛。)