形容词: 1. 经过消毒处理的;灭菌的 - sterilized equipment 消毒处理过的设备 - sterilized surgical instruments 灭菌的外科器械 2. 经过绝育手术的 - a sterilized cat 绝育过的猫 3. 无法生育的;不育的 - a sterilized woman 无法生育的女性 名词: 1. 经过消毒处理的东西;灭菌品 - Please use sterilized surgical gloves. 请使用灭菌手术手套。 2. 经绝育手术而不育的动物 - The shelter takes care of sterilized dogs. 收容所负责照顾绝育的狗狗。词语辨析:
- sterilized vs. sterile: - sterilized强调经过消毒处理或绝育手术,使其无菌或不育。 - sterile强调本身就是无菌的,没有活菌或病菌。 - sterilized vs. disinfected: - sterilized指对物品进行杀菌处理,使其无菌。 - disinfected指对物品进行消毒处理,杀灭病菌。词汇扩充:
- sterilization: n.消毒处理;绝育手术 - sterilizer: n.消毒器;灭菌器 - sterilizable: adj.可消毒的;可灭菌的近义词:
- aseptic: adj.无菌的;防腐的 - disinfected: adj.消过毒的;杀菌的 - germ-free: adj.无菌的;无菌的反义词:
- contaminated: adj.被污染的;被感染的 - fertile: adj.肥沃的;能生育的柯林斯词典解释:
sterilized (adj.) 1. If something is sterilized, it is made completely clean and free from bacteria. 2. If a person is sterilized, they have a medical operation to prevent them from being able to have children.牛津词典解释:
sterilized (adj.) 1. Make (something) free from bacteria or other living microorganisms. 2. Perform a surgical operation on (a person or animal) to make them unable to produce offspring.用法:
- The surgical instruments need to be sterilized before the operation. (手术器械在手术前需要进行消毒处理。) - The sterilized cat was adopted from the shelter. (这只绝育猫是从收容所领养的。) - The sterilized bottles are used for storing laboratory samples. (灭菌瓶用于存放实验室样品。) - The government promotes sterilization as a way to control the population of stray animals. (政府提倡绝育作为控制流浪动物数量的方法。) - The sterilizer is used to kill bacteria on medical equipment. (消毒器用于杀菌医疗设备。)相关的例句:
- The surgeon used sterilized instruments during the operation. (外科医生在手术中使用了消毒过的器械。)
- She decided to have her cat sterilized to prevent unwanted pregnancies. (她决定给她的猫做绝育手术以防止意外怀孕。)
- The sterilized bottles are used for packaging pharmaceutical products. (灭菌瓶用于包装药品。)
- The shelter offers sterilization services for stray dogs. (这个收容所为流浪狗提供绝育服务。)
- The laboratory uses a high-pressure steam sterilizer to ensure equipment cleanliness. (实验室使用高压蒸汽消毒器确保设备的清洁。)
- The sterilized soil was used for planting microgreens. (消毒过的土壤用于种植微绿。)
- After sterilization, the patient can no longer have children. (经过绝育手术,患者不能再生育。)
- The sterilized surgical gloves are individually packed. (灭菌手术手套是单独包装的。)
- They recommended sterilizing the utensils before using them. (他们建议在使用前对器具进行消毒处理。)
- The sterilized glassware was used for preparing the culture medium. (消毒过的玻璃器皿用于制备培养基。)
- The sterilized cotton swabs are used for wound cleaning. (灭菌的棉签用于伤口清洁。)
- The sterilized milk has a longer shelf life. (灭菌牛奶的保质期更长。)
- They decided to have their pet rabbit sterilized to prevent breeding. (他们决定给宠物兔子绝育以防止繁殖。)
- She works in the sterilization unit of the hospital. (她在医院的消毒部门工作。)
- The sterilized needles are used for acupuncture treatment. (灭菌针用于针灸治疗。)
- He underwent sterilization after the birth of his third child. (在第三个孩子出生后,他接受了绝育手术。)
- The hospital follows strict procedures to ensure proper sterilization of medical equipment. (医院遵循严格的程序,确保医疗设备的适当消毒。)
- The sterilized bandages were applied to the wound. (消毒过的绷带被用于伤口。)
- They use a sterilizer to disinfect the water before drinking. (他们使用消毒器对水进行消毒处理后再饮用。)
- The sterilized surgical masks are worn by doctors during operations. (医生在手术中戴着消毒过的口罩。)
- She decided to have her cat sterilized to prevent unwanted pregnancies. (她决定给她的猫做绝育手术以防止意外怀孕。)