artistry /ˈɑːrtəstri/
- 具有艺术才能的;艺术上的(adj.)
artistry /ˈɑːrtəstri/
- 艺术技巧(n.)
- 艺术风格(n.)
artistry 和artistic 都表示与艺术有关的,但artistry 更强调技巧和才能,而artistic 则更强调创造性和审美。
- artist(n. 艺术家)
- artistic(adj. 艺术的)
- art(n. 艺术)
- artisan(n. 工匠)
- artwork(n. 艺术作品)
- artistic expression(艺术表达)
- artistic talent(艺术才能)
- skill(n. 技能)
- craftsmanship(n. 技艺)
- creativity(n. 创造力)
- ingenuity(n. 聪明才智)
- clumsiness(n. 笨拙)
- ineptitude(n. 无能)
- incompetence(n. 无能力)
artistry [ˈɑːtɪstrɪ] (noun)
1. Artistry is the creative skill of an artist, writer, actor, or musician.
2. Artistry is the great skill with which something is done.
Collins English Dictionary
artistry /ˈɑːtɪstri/ (noun)
The creative skill or ability of an artist, writer, actor, or musician.
Oxford English Dictionary
1. His artistry as a painter is well-known in the art community. (作为名词)
2. She displayed her artistry on the piano during the concert. (作为名词)
3. The artistry of the film director is evident in every scene. (作为名词)
4. The artistry strokes of the brush created a masterpiece. (作为形容词)
5. Her artistry touch transformed the plain cake into a work of art. (作为形容词)
- His artistry as a painter is well-known in the art community. 他作为画家的艺术才能在艺术界广为人知。
- She displayed her artistry on the piano during the concert. 她在音乐会上展示了她在钢琴上的艺术技巧。
- The artistry of the film director is evident in every scene. 这位电影导演的艺术才能在每个场景中都显而易见。
- The artistry strokes of the brush created a masterpiece. 画笔的艺术性笔触创造了一件杰作。
- Her artistry touch transformed the plain cake into a work of art. 她那令人赞叹的艺术手法将普通的蛋糕变成了一件艺术品。
- He is known for his artistry in playing the violin. 他以演奏小提琴的艺术才能而著名。
- The dancer's artistry captivated the audience. 舞者的艺术技巧吸引了观众。
- The exhibition showcases the artistry of various local artists. 这次展览展示了多位当地艺术家的艺术才能。
- Her artistry in writing poetry is admired by many. 她写诗的艺术才能受到许多人的赞赏。
- The chef's artistry in plating the dishes impressed the diners. 厨师在摆盘上的艺术技巧给食客留下了深刻印象。
- His artistry as an actor shines through in his performances. 他作为演员的艺术才能在他的表演中得以展现。
- The painting demonstrates the artist's artistry with light and shadow. 这幅画展示了画家对光影的艺术处理。
- The jewelry designer's artistry is evident in the intricate designs. 珠宝设计师的艺术才能在复杂的设计中显而易见。
- Her artistry as a singer is unmatched by others. 作为歌手,她的艺术才能无人能及。
- The sculpture showcases the artist's artistry in working with different materials. 这座雕塑展示了艺术家在使用不同材料方面的艺术技巧。
- The ballet performance was a display of the dancers' artistry and grace. 芭蕾舞演出展示了舞者们的艺术才能和优雅。
- The poet's artistry in crafting words and emotions is remarkable. 这位诗人在用词和情感方面的艺术才能令人称奇。
- The fashion designer's artistry is evident in the intricate details of the garments. 时装设计师的艺术才能在服装的精细细节中表露无遗。
- His artistry with makeup transforms actors into different characters. 他在化妆方面的艺术技巧能将演员变身成不同的角色。
- The chef's artistry in combining flavors resulted in a unique and delicious dish. 厨师在调和口味方面的艺术技巧使得这道菜品独特且美味。
- Her artistry as a pianist is reflected in her expressive performances. 她作为钢琴家的艺术才能体现在她富有表现力的演奏中。