1. (船只、飞机等的)船长,机长;(体育比赛中的)队长
2. (儿童玩耍时的)指挥者,队长
3. (尤指在澳大利亚和新西兰)蝴蝶鱼
1. skipper (noun): A skipper is the person in charge of a small boat, especially a yacht.
2. skipper (noun): In sports, especially baseball, a skipper is the captain of a team.
3. skipper (noun): A skipper is a butterfly with brown or yellow wings.
1. skipper (noun): A person who is in charge of a boat or ship.
2. skipper (noun): The captain of a sports team.
3. skipper (noun): A small brown or yellow butterfly with erratic darting flight.
1. The skipper navigated the yacht through the treacherous waters.(船长在危险的水域中驾驶游艇。)
2. The baseball skipper made several strategic decisions during the game.(棒球队的队长在比赛中做出了几个战略决策。)
3. We spotted a beautiful skipper in the garden.(我们在花园里发现了一只漂亮的蝴蝶鱼。)
- The experienced skipper led the crew safely through the stormy seas.(经验丰富的船长带领船员安全通过了汹涌的海域。)
- The football team's skipper motivated the players before the championship match.(足球队的队长在冠军赛前激励球员。)
- My little brother likes to act as the skipper when we play pirates.(我小弟弟在我们玩海盗游戏时喜欢扮演船长的角色。)
- The skipper of the fishing boat knows all the best spots for catching fish.(这条渔船的船长熟知捕鱼的最佳地点。)
- The colorful skipper fluttered from flower to flower in the meadow.(五彩斑斓的蝴蝶鱼在草地上的花朵间飞舞。)
- They appointed John as the skipper of the sailing expedition.(他们任命约翰为这次航海探险的船长。)
- After a successful season, the cricket team's skipper was praised for his leadership.(丰收的赛季后,板球队的队长因领导才能而受到赞扬。)
- During the storm, the experienced skipper kept the crew calm and focused.(在风暴中,经验丰富的船长让船员保持冷静和专注。)
- The skipper guided the passengers on a tour of the scenic coastline.(船长为乘客们带领了一次沿着风景秀丽的海岸线的旅行。)
- The children elected Sarah as the skipper of their imaginary pirate ship.(孩子们选举萨拉为他们虚构的海盗船的船长。)
- The yacht's skipper checked the weather forecast before setting sail.(游艇的船长在出航前查看了天气预报。)
- The soccer team's skipper scored the winning goal in the final minutes of the match.(足球队的队长在比赛的最后几分钟打进了取胜的进球。)
- We observed a rare species of skipper in the nature reserve.(我们在自然保护区观察到了一种罕见的蝴蝶鱼。)
- The skipper taught the new crew members how to hoist the sails.(船长教新船员如何升起帆。)
- The cricket team's skipper was known for his tactical skills and strategic thinking.(板球队的队长以其战术技巧和战略思维而闻名。)
- The skipper led the expedition to explore the uncharted islands.(船长带领探险队探索未绘入地图的岛屿。)
- The children chose Emma as the skipper for their imaginary spaceship.(孩子们选定艾玛为他们虚构的宇宙飞船的船长。)
- The skipper identified different species of birds during the birdwatching trip.(船长在观鸟之旅中辨别出不同的鸟类。)
- The skipper expertly maneuvered the sailboat into the harbor.(船长熟练地将帆船驶入港口。)
- As the fishing skipper, he knew the best time and place to catch the biggest fish.(作为渔船的船长,他知道捕捉最大鱼的最佳时间和地点。)