straighten [adjective]1. 直的;笔直的
2. 正直的;诚实的
straighten [noun]1. 挺直;伸直
2. 纠正;整理
straighten 与 straight 的区别:1. Straighten 表示“使直”,强调在原本不直的情况下将其调整为直的状态;Straight 表示“直的”,强调物体本身的直。
2. Straighten 可以用作及物动词和不及物动词,而 Straight 一般用作形容词。
1. straighten up:挺直身体,站直2. straighten out:解决,澄清
3. straightening:挺直,修正
1. align:对齐,使成一线2. correct:纠正,矫正
3. rectify:纠正,改正
4. adjust:调整,调节
1. bend:弯曲,屈曲2. curve:弯曲,曲线
3. twist:扭曲,弯曲
Straighten (streɪtən)1. If you straighten something, you make it tidy or put it in its proper position after it has been moved or disturbed.
2. If you straighten your hair, you make it smooth and flat using heat or chemicals.
3. If you straighten something that is bent or twisted, you make it straight again.
4. If someone straightens their body or part of their body, they make it straight and not curved.
5. If someone straightens, they stop drinking or taking drugs so that they can live a healthier life.
straighten (/ˈstreɪtn/)1. Make or become straight.
2. Make neat or tidy.
3. Make (hair) smooth and shiny by brushing it flat while drying it or using straightening irons.
4. Improve someone's behavior or attitude.
5. Stop drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
Straighten 的常见用法:1. Straighten the picture on the wall.
把墙上的画挂直。 2. Can you straighten your legs and touch your toes?
你能伸直腿并触摸脚趾吗? 3. She used a hair straightener to straighten her curly hair.
她用直发器把卷发弄直。 4. He is trying to straighten out his life after years of drug addiction.
- The teacher asked the students to straighten their desks before leaving the classroom. (老师要求学生们在离开教室前整理好课桌。)
- He used an iron to straighten his shirt collar. (他用熨斗烫直了衬衫的领子。)
- The chiropractor can help straighten your spine. (脊椎按摩师可以帮助您纠正脊椎。)
- She straightened her back and walked with confidence. (她挺直了背,自信地走着。)
- He decided to straighten up his act and start taking his studies seriously. (他决定收拾起自己,认真对待学业。)
- After years of addiction, she finally made the choice to straighten out and get clean. (经过多年的瘾痛,她终于做出了调整并戒除毒瘾的选择。)
- He used a ruler to straighten the crooked line. (他用尺子把那条弯曲的线拉直。)
- The hair stylist used a hot iron to straighten her client's hair. (发型师用热铁将客人的头发烫直。)
- She asked her friend to help her straighten out her thoughts. (她请朋友帮她理清思路。)
- He decided to straighten up and become a better person for his family. (他决定收拾自己,为家人变得更好。)
- After years of alcohol abuse, he realized he needed to straighten out his life. (多年的酗酒后,他意识到需要整顿自己的生活。)
- The tailor straightened the seams of the dress to ensure a perfect fit. (裁缝整理了裙子的接缝以确保完美贴合。)
- She used a comb to straighten her tangled hair. (她用梳子梳理缠结的头发。)
- He tried to straighten out the misunderstanding between the two friends. (他试图澄清两个朋友之间的误会。)
- She decided to straighten up and take control of her finances. (她决定收拾起来,掌控自己的财务状况。)
- He used a level to straighten the shelf on the wall. (他用水平仪把墙上的架子调整平整。)
- She used a rolling pin to straighten the dough before baking. (她用擀面杖把面团擀平,然后再烘烤。)
- He had to straighten his tie before the important meeting. (他在重要会议前得整理一下领带。)
- The counselor helped her straighten out her feelings of confusion. (辅导员帮助她理清了困惑的情感。)
- He decided to straighten out his priorities and focus on what truly mattered to him. (他决定理清自己的优先事项,专注于真正对他重要的事情。)