1. 动词
gobble [ɡɒbl] / gɑbl / ɡɑbəl
2. 形容词
gobble [ɡɒbl] / ɡɑbl / ɡɑbəl
3. 名词
gobble [ɡɒbl] / gɑbl / ɡɑbəl
1. 动词含义中,“吞食”和“贪婪地吃”表达了快速进食的意思,而“狼吞虎咽地吃”则更强调进食的贪婪程度。
2. 动词含义中,“咔嚓地射击”表示快速的射击行为。
3. 动词含义中,“迅速地说”和“喋喋不休地说”强调了说话的速度。
4. 动词和名词中,“咔嚓声”表示火器发出的声音。
1. gobbler 名词,雄火鸡;雄鹅
2. gobble up 短语动词,吞食;狼吞虎咽地吃
3. gobble down 短语动词,吞食;狼吞虎咽地吃
4. gobble something up 短语动词,迅速吃掉某物
gobble (verb)
gobble (verb)
- He gobbled his breakfast and ran out of the house. 他狼吞虎咽地吃完早饭就跑出了屋子。
- The children gobbled up all the candy. 孩子们把所有的糖果都狼吞虎咽地吃完了。
- She gobbled down her sandwich and rushed off to work. 她狼吞虎咽地吃完三明治就匆匆赶去上班了。
- The dog gobbled up its food in seconds. 这只狗在几秒钟内就将食物全部吞食了。
- He gobbled up the information and started working immediately. 他迅速地掌握了信息并立刻开始工作。
- He gobbled up the book in one sitting. 他一口气读完了整本书。
- The crowd gobbled up every word of the speaker. 人群津津乐道地聆听着演讲者的每个字眼。
- She gobbles down her dinner as if she hasn't eaten for days. 她狼吞虎咽地吃晚饭,好像已经好几天没有吃饭了。
- He gobbled down his sandwich and rushed off to catch the bus. 他狼吞虎咽地吃完三明治就匆匆赶去赶公交车。
- The children gobbled up all the cookies and asked for more. 孩子们把所有的饼干都吃光了,还要求再来一些。
- She gobbled up the information and started making plans. 她迅速地掌握了信息并开始制定计划。
- The dog gobbled up its food in seconds and looked for more. 这只狗在几秒钟内把食物全部吞食掉,然后继续寻找更多的食物。
- He gobbled up the book in one sitting and couldn't wait to read the next one. 他一口气读完了整本书,迫不及待地想读下一本。
- The crowd gobbled up every word of the speaker and applauded enthusiastically. 人群津津乐道地聆听着演讲者的每个字眼,并热烈鼓掌。
- She gobbles down her dinner as if she hasn't eaten for days and then asks for dessert. 她狼吞虎咽地吃晚饭,好像已经好几天没有吃饭了,然后又要求吃甜点。
- He gobbled down his sandwich and rushed off to catch the train. 他狼吞虎咽地吃完三明治就匆匆赶去赶火车。
- The children gobbled up all the cookies and left none for others. 孩子们把所有的饼干都吃光了,没有留下任何给别人。
- She gobbled up the information and started brainstorming ideas. 她迅速地掌握了信息并开始集思广益。
- The dog gobbled up its food in seconds and begged for more. 这只狗在几秒钟内把食物全部吞食掉,并乞求再来一些。
- He gobbled up the book in one sitting and couldn't put it down. 他一口气读完了整本书,无法放下。
- The crowd gobbled up every word of the speaker and gave a standing ovation. 人群津津乐道地聆听着演讲者的每个字眼,并起立鼓掌。