1. sparking
英 [ˈspɑːkɪŋ]
美 [ˈspɑːrkɪŋ]
- 闪耀的;发光的
- 生气勃勃的;活跃的
- 有魅力的;吸引人的
1. sparking
英 [ˈspɑːkɪŋ]
美 [ˈspɑːrkɪŋ]
- 火花;火星
- 引发器;点火器
- 刺激;激发
1. **sparkling** 和 **shining** 都可以用来形容物体表面反射光线的状态,但 **shining** 侧重于物体表面被光线照射时的明亮,而 **sparkling** 则表示物体表面有闪烁的光芒。
2. **sparkling** 和 **vibrant** 的意思相似,都表示生气勃勃、活跃的意思,但 **sparkling** 更强调闪耀动人的特质,而 **vibrant** 则更侧重于充满活力和活跃的感觉。
- sparkle:闪烁;闪耀
- sparkler:烟火;火花棒
- spark:火花;火星;闪光
- sparkling wine:起泡酒
- shining:发光的;闪亮的
- glittering:闪闪发光的
- gleaming:闪烁的;闪亮的
- lustrous:有光泽的
- dull:暗淡的
- dim:昏暗的
- gloomy:阴沉的
- lifeless:无生气的
sparkling:If something is sparkling, it is bright, clear, and shining with points of light.
sparkling:Shining brightly with flashes of light.
1. 形容词用法:The **sparkling** stars lit up the night sky.
2. 名词用法:The **sparkling** of the fireworks created a beautiful display.
- The **sparkling** diamonds on her necklace caught everyone's attention.(她项链上闪烁的钻石引起了所有人的注意。)
- The river looked **sparkling** under the bright sun.(在明亮的阳光下,河水看起来闪闪发光。)
- She has a **sparkling** personality that attracts people to her.(她有一种吸引人的灿烂个性。)
- The **sparkling** water in the lake was so clear that you could see the fish swimming.(湖水清澈见底,你可以看见鱼在水中游动。)
- The **sparkling** lights of the city at night were a sight to behold.(夜晚城市的闪烁灯光令人叹为观止。)
- She wore a **sparkling** white dress to the party.(她在晚会上穿着一件闪亮的白色连衣裙。)
- The **sparkling** conversation at the dinner table made the evening enjoyable.(晚餐时的活跃对话使得整个晚上都很愉快。)
- The **sparkling** wine is perfect for celebrating special occasions.(起泡酒非常适合庆祝特殊场合。)
- The **sparkling** of the match ignited the fireworks.(火柴的划燃引发了烟花。)
- She has a **sparkling** wit and always makes people laugh.(她机智幽默,总是能让人开怀大笑。)
- The **sparkling** earrings added a touch of glamour to her outfit.(闪耀的耳环给她的装扮增添了一丝魅力。)
- The **sparkling** performance of the dancers left the audience in awe.(舞者们闪耀的表演让观众惊叹不已。)
- Her eyes were **sparkling** with excitement as she opened the gift.(她打开礼物时,眼睛闪耀着兴奋的光芒。)
- The **sparkling** conversation between the two friends lasted late into the night.(两位朋友之间的活跃对话一直持续到深夜。)
- He proposed to her on a **sparkling** summer evening by the beach.(他在一个闪亮的夏日傍晚在海滩上向她求婚。)
- The **sparkling** of the fire provided warmth on a chilly winter night.(寒冷的冬夜,火光闪烁带来了温暖。)
- Her smile was **sparkling** and infectious, brightening up the room.(她的微笑闪耀而有感染力,照亮了整个房间。)
- They enjoyed a **sparkling** conversation over a delicious meal.(他们在美味的餐点上享受着活跃的对话。)
- Her **sparkling** eyes revealed her excitement about the upcoming trip.(她闪烁的眼神透露出她对即将到来的旅行的兴奋。)
- The **sparkling** wine is best served chilled.(起泡酒最好冷藏后享用。)
- The **sparkling** of the fireworks filled the night sky with color.(烟火的闪烁使夜空变得五彩斑斓。)