origins [ˈɔrɪdʒɪnz] 名词复数
- 起源;由来
- 出身;血统
- 起源地;发源地
- 起源人;始祖
origins [ˈɔrɪdʒɪnz] 形容词
- 起源的;起初的
originate v. 起源;发源
originator n. 起源人;创始人
original adj. 最初的;独创的
originality n. 独创性;创新
origins 名词复数
- The origins of something are the things which combine to produce it.
- Your origins are your family, country, or culture, and the experiences that you have of them.
- The origins of a custom, policy, or idea are the situations and events which made it develop.
origins 名词复数
- The point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived.
- The background to a person's existence; the circumstances of one's birth, education, or upbringing.
1. origins的名词复数形式表示“起源”、“出身”、“发源地”等含义。
2. origins作为名词时,可用于复数形式,也可以用作单数形式origin。
3. origins作为形容词时,表示“起源的”。
- His family origins can be traced back to Ireland. 他的家族起源可以追溯到爱尔兰。
- She is proud of her Chinese origins. 她为自己的中国血统感到自豪。
- The city is known as the origin of jazz music. 这个城市以爵士音乐的起源而闻名。
- He is considered the originator of modern psychology. 他被认为是现代心理学的创始人。
- The origin of this tradition is unknown. 这个传统的起源不详。
- She wanted to learn about her family's origins. 她想了解她家的家族起源。
- The origin of the problem can be traced back to miscommunication. 问题的起因可以追溯到误解。
- The company's success has its origins in a brilliant marketing strategy. 公司的成功源于出色的营销策略。
- He comes from humble origins but has achieved great things. 他出身卑微,但取得了巨大的成就。
- The origins of this disease are still unknown. 这种疾病的起源仍然不明。
- The artist's work reflects the origins of her culture. 这位艺术家的作品反映了她文化的起源。
- The origins of the universe have been a topic of scientific inquiry for centuries. 宇宙的起源已经成为几个世纪以来科学研究的课题。
- She is proud of her Italian origins. 她为自己的意大利血统感到自豪。
- The origins of this word can be traced back to Latin. 这个词的起源可以追溯到拉丁语。
- The origins of this ancient civilization are shrouded in mystery. 这个古代文明的起源笼罩在神秘之中。
- She is researching the origins of human language. 她正在研究人类语言的起源。
- He is an original thinker who challenges conventional ideas. 他是一位挑战传统观念的独创性思想家。
- The originality of her artwork sets her apart from other artists. 她的艺术作品的独创性使她与其他艺术家区别开来。
- The beginning of the movie was slow, but it quickly picked up pace. 电影的开头很慢,但很快就加快了节奏。
- The river is the source of life for the surrounding villages. 这条河是周围村庄的生命之源。
- They are planning to start a new business venture. 他们计划开始一项新的商业事业。