silent 1. 安静的,寂静的 - It was a silent night with no sound at all.那是一个寂静无声的夜晚。 2. 沉默的,不说话的 - She remained silent throughout the meeting.
1. 沉默,寂静 - The room was filled with silence.房间里充满了寂静。 2. 缄默,不发言 - His silence on the issue was seen as agreement.
他对这个问题的沉默被视为默认。 3. 保持安静的状态 - The teacher demanded silence in the classroom.
1. silence和quiet的区别 - silence强调完全没有声音或没有发言,通常指环境的寂静;quiet指相对较轻的声音,是指环境的安静。He broke the silence by coughing.
They enjoyed the quiet of the countryside.
1. keep silence 保持安静 2. break the silence 打破寂静 3. maintain silence 保持沉默 4. silence is golden 沉默是金近义词
quiet, stillness, hush反义词
noise, sound柯林斯词典
silence (noun) 1. the state or quality of being silent 2. absence of sound or noise 3. a period of time without speech or noise 4. failure or refusal to speak, communicate, or respond silence (verb) 1. to make or become silent or quiet 2. to suppress or extinguish牛津词典
silence (noun) 1. complete absence of sound 2. a state of stillness, absence of motion, or absence of noise 3. the fact or state of abstaining from speech 4. a refusal to discuss or provide information or evidence silence (verb) 1. cause someone to become silent 2. suppress information, rumors, or criticism用法
1. maintain silence 保持安静 2. break the silence 打破寂静 3. meet with silence 面对沉默 4. a moment of silence 一分钟的默哀例句
1. The silence in the library was interrupted by a loud crash.图书馆里的寂静被一声巨响打破。 2. The teacher asked the students to maintain silence during the exam.
老师要求学生在考试期间保持安静。 3. She was silent for a moment, considering her answer.
她静默片刻,思考着如何回答。 4. The silence of the night was only broken by the sound of crickets.
夜晚的寂静只有蟋蟀的声音打破。 5. The politician's silence on the issue caused speculation among the public.
政治家对这个问题的沉默引起了公众的猜测。 6. The room was filled with an awkward silence after his inappropriate comment.
他不恰当的评论后,房间里充满了尴尬的沉默。 7. The child's eyes spoke volumes even in silence.
孩子的眼神在沉默中传达了很多信息。 8. The silence of the forest was broken by the chirping of birds.
森林的静谧被鸟儿的鸣叫声打破。 9. The couple sat in silence, unable to find the right words to say.
这对夫妇默默无语,无法找到合适的话语。 10. The silence of the desert was overwhelming, with no signs of life.
沙漠的寂静压倒一切,没有生命的迹象。 11. The students broke the silence with applause after the professor's inspiring lecture.
学生们听完教授激励人心的讲座后鼓掌打破了寂静。 12. The detective's silence hinted at a breakthrough in the case.
侦探的沉默暗示着案件的突破。 13. The silence between them grew awkward as neither knew what to say.
他们之间的寂静变得尴尬,因为两人都不知道该说什么。 14. The silence of the night was interrupted by the sound of sirens in the distance.
夜晚的寂静被远处警笛声打断。 15. The audience was in stunned silence after the unexpected revelation.
听到意外的揭露,观众们都惊呆了,陷入了沉默。 16. The silence in the art gallery allowed visitors to appreciate the works in peace.
画廊里的寂静让游客们能够安静地欣赏艺术作品。 17. The children tiptoed in silence, trying not to wake their parents.
孩子们静静地踮着脚尖走,尽量不惊醒父母。 18. The silence of the countryside was a welcome change from the noise of the city.
乡村的宁静是与城市的嘈杂声音形成的愉快对比。 19. The class fell into silence as the teacher entered the room.
老师走进教室,整个班级都陷入了寂静。 20. The silence of the early morning was broken by the sound of a rooster crowing.