1. 壮观的;惊人的;引人注目的 (Collins Dictionary)Spectacular (adjective): Impressive to look at, remarkable. 2. 壮观的;惊人的;引人注目的 (Oxford Dictionary)
Spectacular (adjective): Beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way.
1. 壮观的表演 (Collins Dictionary)Spectacular (noun): A performance or display that is very impressive or exciting. 2. 壮观的表演 (Oxford Dictionary)
Spectacular (noun): A performance or event that is very impressive or exciting.
1. spectacularly (adverb):壮观地,引人注目地 2. spectacularness (noun):壮观,引人注目近义词
impressive, breathtaking, stunning, magnificent, grand, extraordinary反义词
ordinary, unimpressive, dull, mediocre柯林斯词典
形容词: 1. 壮观的;惊人的;引人注目的 2. 令人印象深刻的 名词: 1. 壮观的表演牛津词典
形容词: 1. 壮观的;引人注目的 名词: 1. 壮观的表演用法
- The fireworks display was absolutely spectacular. (这场烟火表演非常壮观。)
- The sunset over the ocean was a truly spectacular sight. (海上的日落景色真是壮观。)
- The acrobatic performance was a spectacular show of strength and skill. (这个杂技表演是力量和技巧的壮观展示。)
- The museum has a spectacular collection of ancient artifacts. (这个博物馆收藏了令人惊叹的古代文物。)
- The dancers put on a spectacular performance that left the audience in awe. (舞者们献上了一场令人叹为观止的演出,让观众惊叹不已。)
- The mountain range offers spectacular views for hikers. (这个山脉为徒步旅行者提供了壮观的景色。)
- The new skyscraper is a spectacular addition to the city's skyline. (这座新的摩天大楼是城市天际线的一道亮丽风景线。)
- The concert ended with a spectacular finale that had the audience on their feet. (音乐会以令人惊叹的大结局结束,观众们都站了起来。)
- The aerial acrobatics at the air show were truly spectacular. (空中表演真是令人惊叹的。)
- The film features spectacular special effects that bring the story to life. (这部电影采用了令人惊叹的特效,让故事生动起来。)
- The fireworks display was a spectacular sight against the night sky. (烟火表演在夜空中形成了一幅壮观的景象。)
- The Olympic opening ceremony was a spectacular event that showcased the host country's culture. (奥运会开幕式是一场展示主办国文化的壮观盛会。)
- The waterfall in the national park is a spectacular natural wonder. (国家公园里的瀑布是一处壮观的自然奇观。)
- The ballet performance was a spectacular display of grace and athleticism. (芭蕾舞表演展示了优雅和运动能力,令人叹为观止。)
- The artist's paintings are known for their spectacular use of color. (这位艺术家的画作以其对色彩的壮观运用而闻名。)
- The roller coaster ride was a spectacular thrill. (坐过山车带来了一种令人兴奋的壮观感觉。)
- The meteor shower was a spectacular celestial event. (流星雨是一场壮观的天文事件。)
- The circus performance was a spectacular blend of acrobatics, comedy, and music. (马戏团表演是杂技、喜剧和音乐的一场壮观融合。)
- The opera singer's voice was truly spectacular. (这位歌剧演唱家的声音真是令人叹为观止。)
- The team's comeback in the second half was nothing short of spectacular. (球队在下半场的卷土重来简直是令人叹为观止。)