1. contradictory:矛盾的,相互矛盾的
2. conflicting:冲突的,相互矛盾的
1. contradiction:矛盾,相反
2. paradox:悖论,自相矛盾的事物
- There is a contradiction between his words and actions.(他的言行相矛盾。)
- The two countries are in conflict over the territorial dispute.(这两个国家在领土争端上存在冲突。)
1. inconsistency:不一致,矛盾
2. anomaly:异常,反常
3. discrepancy:差异,矛盾
4. incompatibility:不相容,矛盾
1. conflict:冲突,争执
2. opposition:相反,对立
3. paradox:悖论,自相矛盾的事物
1. agreement:一致,协议
2. consistency:一致性,连贯性
1. If you say that there is a contradiction in what someone has said, you mean that what they have said is false because the two parts of it cannot both be true.
2. A contradiction is a difference or disagreement between two statements, beliefs, or ideas.
3. Contradiction is the act of saying that something is false or the fact of being false.
1. A contradiction is a difference or disagreement between two things which means that both cannot be true or correct.
2. You can refer to a statement or situation that is completely different from or the opposite of a previous one as a contradiction.
3. A contradiction is a feature of a situation that is completely different from or the opposite of what you would expect it to be.
- There seems to be a contradiction between what she said yesterday and what she said today.
- His behavior is contradictory to his beliefs.
- The contradiction between his words and actions confused everyone.
- The conflict between the two countries is escalating.
1. His statement is a contradiction of what he said last week.(他的陈述与他上周说的相矛盾。)
2. There is a contradiction between the two witness testimonies.(这两个证人的证词相互矛盾。)
3. The contradiction between his promises and his actions is obvious.(他的承诺与实际行动之间的矛盾是显而易见的。)
4. The theory is filled with contradictions and inconsistencies.(这个理论充满了矛盾和不一致之处。)
5. Her behavior is a contradiction to her usual calmness.(她的行为与她通常的冷静相矛盾。)
6. The paradox of the situation is that the more you try to control it, the worse it gets.(这种情况的悖论是你越试图控制它,情况就越糟糕。)
7. The contradiction between the two political parties is causing a lot of tension.(这两个政党之间的矛盾引发了很多紧张局势。)
8. The inconsistency in their explanations raised doubts about their credibility.(他们解释的不一致引起了对他们可信度的怀疑。)
9. The discrepancy between the budget and the actual expenses needs to be addressed.(预算和实际开支之间的差异需要解决。)
10. The incompatibility of their personalities led to constant conflicts.(他们性格上的不相容导致了持续的冲突。)
11. The conflict between their values and beliefs caused a rift in their friendship.(他们价值观和信仰之间的冲突导致了友谊的裂痕。)
12. The opposition between the two political parties is becoming more intense.(这两个政党之间的对立越来越激烈。)
13. The paradox of the situation is that the solution seems simple, but it's difficult to implement.(这种情况的悖论是解决方法看起来很简单,但实施起来很困难。)
14. The agreement between the two parties was reached after lengthy negotiations.(两方达成协议经过了漫长的谈判。)
15. The consistency of his arguments throughout the debate impressed the audience.(他在辩论中一贯的论据连贯给观众留下了深刻印象。)
16. The contradiction between theory and practice is a common challenge in many fields.(理论和实践之间的矛盾是许多领域共同面临的挑战。)
17. The contradiction in his explanation raised suspicions about his involvement in the crime.(他解释中的矛盾引起了对他参与犯罪的怀疑。)
18. The conflict between tradition and modernity is a recurring theme in literature.(传统与现代之间的冲突是文学中反复出现的主题。)
19. The opposition between the two political parties is hindering progress on important issues.(这两个政党之间的对立阻碍了重要问题的进展。)
20. The paradox of the situation is that the more you try to control it, the less control you have.(这种情况的悖论是你越试图控制它,你的控制力就越小。)