defection [diˈfɛkʃən]
- (政治)背叛,叛逃
- (信仰、团体等)背离,脱离
defective [dɪˈfɛktɪv]
- 有缺陷的
- 有瑕疵的
betrayal, apostasy, treason, rebellion, renunciation
loyalty, allegiance, fidelity, faithfulness
defection (noun)
1. the act or an instance of defecting
2. abandonment of loyalty, duty, or principle, esp. political allegiance
defection (noun)
1. The action of leaving one's country or post to join another group.
2. The desertion of one cause or party for another.
1. His defection from the party shocked everyone.
2. The ambassador's defection to the rival country raised concerns about national security.
3. The defective product was recalled by the company.
4. The team suffered from a series of defections after the coach resigned.
1. The general's defection to the rebel forces marked a turning point in the war.(将军叛逃到叛军标志着战争的转折点。)
2. The politician's defection from the ruling party was seen as a betrayal by his former colleagues.(这位政治家从执政党中叛逃被他的前同事视为背叛。)
3. Her defection from the church was met with disappointment by her family.(她背弃教会的行为让她的家人感到失望。)
4. The defective product was returned to the manufacturer for a refund.(有瑕疵的产品被退回给制造商以退款。)
5. The company experienced a series of defections as employees left for better opportunities.(公司经历了一连串的员工离职,因为他们找到了更好的机会。)
6. The spy's defection was kept secret to protect his identity.(为了保护他的身份,间谍的叛逃行动被保密。)
7. The athlete's defection from the national team caused controversy in the sports community.(这位运动员从国家队中叛逃引起了体育界的争议。)
8. The defection of key members weakened the opposition party's chances in the election.(重要成员的叛逃削弱了反对党在选举中的机会。)
9. The country faced a crisis of defection as citizens left to seek a better life abroad.(由于公民离开寻求更好的生活,该国面临着叛逃的危机。)
10. The defective machine was repaired free of charge by the manufacturer.(有缺陷的机器由制造商免费维修。)
11. The leader's defection from the party resulted in a loss of support from many members.(领导人叛逃使得该党失去了许多成员的支持。)
12. The company implemented measures to prevent defections and retain talented employees.(公司采取措施防止叛逃并保留有才华的员工。)
13. The officer's defection to the enemy camp was seen as an act of treason.(这位军官叛逃到敌营被视为叛国行为。)
14. The party faced a crisis of defection as several members publicly announced their resignation.(该党面临着叛逃危机,因为几名成员公开宣布辞职。)
15. The defective car was recalled by the manufacturer due to safety concerns.(由于安全问题,有缺陷的汽车被制造商召回。)
16. The defections of high-ranking officials weakened the government's authority.(高级官员的叛逃削弱了政府的权威。)
17. The athlete's defection to a rival team caused controversy in the sports world.(这位运动员叛逃到一支对手队引起了体育界的争议。)
18. The defection of the scientist to a competing company was a major loss for his former employer.(这位科学家叛逃到竞争对手公司对他的前雇主来说是一个重大损失。)
19. The defective parts were replaced with new ones under warranty.(有缺陷的零件在保修期内被更换为新的零件。)
20. The politician's defection from the ruling party was seen as a betrayal of his constituents.(这位政治家从执政党中叛逃被视为对他的选民的背叛。)