1. 更聪明的;更明智的
- 英文释义:having or showing more knowledge or good judgment
- 例句:
1. He is wiser now and knows not to make the same mistakes again.(他现在更聪明了,知道不再犯同样的错误。)
2. As we grow older, we become wiser and more experienced.(随着年龄的增长,我们变得更聪明和更有经验。)
2. 更有见识的;更深沉的
- 英文释义:possessing or showing deep understanding or profound insight
- 例句:
1. The wiser choice would be to wait and gather more information before making a decision.(更明智的选择是等待并在做决定之前收集更多信息。)
2. As she grew older, her poetry became wiser and more contemplative.(随着年龄的增长,她的诗歌变得更有见地和更深沉。)
1. 聪明人;明智者
- 英文释义:a person who is wise or has wisdom
- 例句:
1. The wiser of the two siblings always helps the other with their problems.(两个兄弟姐妹中比较聪明的总是帮助另一个解决问题。)
2. The wiser in the community are often sought after for advice and guidance.(社区里的聪明人常常被人请教和寻求指导。)
- 英文释义:differentiating between words with similar meanings
- 例句:
1. It is important to discern between being intelligent and being wise.(区分聪明和智慧是很重要的。)
2. Let's distinguish between the wiser choice and the easier choice.(让我们区分一下更明智的选择和更容易的选择。)
- 英文释义:expanding vocabulary by adding related words
- 例句:
1. The wiser we become, the more we realize how much we still have to learn.(我们变得越聪明,就越意识到我们还有很多东西要学习。)
2. Reading books is a great way to broaden our knowledge and become wiser.(阅读书籍是扩大知识、变得更聪明的好方法。)
- 英文释义:words with similar meanings
- 例句:
1. The teacher advised his students to make wise decisions in life.(老师建议学生们在生活中做出明智的决策。)
2. It's important to make prudent choices and be wiser about our actions.(做出谨慎的选择并对我们的行为更明智是很重要的。)
- 英文释义:words with opposite meanings
- 例句:
1. Sometimes, we make foolish decisions instead of wiser ones.(有时候,我们做出愚蠢的决定,而不是更明智的决定。)
2. His lack of wisdom led to many unwise choices.(他缺乏智慧,导致了许多不明智的选择。)
- 英文释义:Collins Dictionary definition of "wiser"
- 例句:
1. You're older and wiser now, and you understand that life is not always fair.(你现在年纪更大,更明智了,你明白生活并不总是公平的。)
2. The wiser choice would be to save the money for future use.(更明智的选择是将这笔钱存起来以备将来使用。)
- 英文释义:Oxford Dictionary definition of "wiser"
- 例句:
1. As we grow older, we should become wiser and more tolerant.(随着年龄的增长,我们应该变得更聪明和更宽容。)
2. The wiser course of action would be to seek professional advice.(更明智的行动是寻求专业建议。)
- 英文释义:usage of the word "wiser"
- 例句:
1. She has become wiser with age.(她随着年龄的增长变得更聪明了。)
2. It is wiser to think before you speak.(在说话之前先思考是更明智的。)
- 英文释义:related example sentences of "wiser"
- 例句:
1. As we gain more life experience, we become wiser and better equipped to handle challenges.(随着我们获得更多的人生经验,我们变得更聪明和更有能力应对挑战。)
2. Learning from our mistakes can make us wiser and help us avoid repeating them in the future.(从我们的错误中学习可以使我们变得更聪明,帮助我们避免将来重复相同的错误。)
3. The wiser choice would be to save money for emergencies rather than spending it all at once.(更明智的选择是将钱存起来以备紧急情况,而不是一次性花光。)
4. The wiser among us know that true happiness comes from within, not from material possessions.(我们中聪明的人知道真正的幸福来自内心,而不是来自物质财富。)
5. It is wiser to listen to others' opinions before making important decisions.(在做重要决定之前听取他人意见更明智。)
6. Sometimes, ignorance can be bliss, but being wiser allows us to make more informed choices.(有时候,无知可能是幸福的,但更聪明会使我们能够做出更明智的选择。)
7. The wiser you become, the more you realize how much there is to learn.(你变得越聪明,就越意识到还有很多东西要学习。)
8. The wiser option is to take the safer route instead of risking danger.(更明智的选择是选择更安全的路线,而不是冒险。)
9. He sought advice from wiser and more experienced colleagues before making a decision.(在做决定之前,他向更聪明和更有经验的同事寻求建议。)
10. It is wiser to apologize and make amends than to hold grudges and let anger consume you.(道歉和修复错误比怀恨和让愤怒吞噬自己更明智。)
11. The wiser choice is to prioritize your health and well-being over work and stress.(更明智的选择是将健康和幸福放在工作和压力之上。)
12. The wiser path is often the more difficult one, but it leads to personal growth and fulfillment.(更明智的道路往往更加困难,但它会带来个人成长和满足感。)
13. The wiser investors diversified their portfolios to minimize risks.(更聪明的投资者通过分散投资组合来降低风险。)
14. It's wiser to let go of past mistakes and focus on the present and future.(放下过去的错误,专注于现在和未来是更明智的。)
15. The wiser choice is to learn from criticism rather than taking it personally.(更明智的选择是从批评中学习,而不是把它当作个人攻击。)
16. The wiser you are, the better you can handle difficult situations with grace and composure.(你越聪明,就越能优雅和冷静地处理困难的情况。)
17. The wiser option is to invest in long-term goals rather than seeking instant gratification.(更明智的选择是投资于长期目标,而不是追求即时满足。)
18. The wiser course of action would be to apologize and make things right.(更明智的行动是道歉并纠正错误。)
19. The wiser choice is to forgive and let go of anger for the sake of your own peace of mind.(为了自己的心灵平静,更明智的选择是宽恕并放下愤怒。)
20. The wiser you become, the more you value lifelong learning and personal growth.(你变得越聪明,就越重视终身学习和个人成长。)