1. pay off (只用于名词前)英 [peɪ ɒf] 美 [peɪ ɔf]
意为值得的,有回报的。 2. paid-off
英 [peɪd ɒf] 美 [peɪd ɔf]
1. pay-off英 [ˈpeɪˌɒf] 美 [ˈpeɪˌɔf]
意为报酬,回报,偿还。 2. payoff
英 [ˈpeɪˌɒf] 美 [ˈpeɪˌɔf]
1. payoff vs. pay-offpayoff 是 pay-off 的变体拼写方式,两者意思相同。
1. pay off a debt偿还债务 2. pay off a mortgage
还清按揭贷款 3. pay off a loan
1. reward英 [rɪˈwɔːd] 美 [rɪˈwɔːrd]
意为报酬,奖赏。 2. return
英 [rɪˈtɜːn] 美 [rɪˈtɜrn]
1. loss英 [lɒs] 美 [lɔːs]
意为损失,亏损。 2. penalty
英 [ˈpenəlti] 美 [ˈpɛnəlti]
payoff (名词):
- The payoff from an activity or action is the benefit or reward that you get from it.
- A payoff is a final payment of a debt.
- The payoff of a bet or gamble is the prize that you win.
payoff (名词):
- A payoff is a good result or advantage that you get as a result of something that you have done.
- A payoff is a large payment that you make to someone, especially the last in a series of payments.
1. pay off意为取得回报,实现目标。 2. pay off a debt
意为偿还债务。 3. pay off a mortgage
- The hard work eventually paid off and she got promoted. (辛勤的工作最终取得了回报,她得到了晋升。)
- He made the final payoff on his mortgage. (他偿还了最后一笔按揭贷款。)
- The payoff for winning the championship is a cash prize of $10,000. (获得冠军的奖励是一笔1万美元的现金奖励。)
- After years of studying, the payoff finally came when she got accepted into her dream university. (经过多年的学习,她终于得到了理想大学的录取通知,付出得到了回报。)
- The company made its final payoff on the business loan. (公司对商业贷款进行了最后一次偿还。)
- He bet all his money on the horse race, hoping for a big payoff. (他把所有的钱都押在了赛马上,希望能获得丰厚的回报。)
- The payoff for all his hard work was a successful business. (他所有辛勤努力的回报是一家成功的公司。)
- She received a generous payoff for her years of service to the company. (她因多年来为公司服务而得到了一笔丰厚的报酬。)
- They had to make monthly payoffs on their car loan. (他们必须按月偿还汽车贷款。)
- The payoff from investing in stocks can be significant. (投资股票的回报可能是巨大的。)
- He finally paid off his student loan after many years of working. (经过多年的工作,他终于还清了学生贷款。)
- The payoff for all their efforts was a successful product launch. (他们所有的努力最终得到了成功的产品发布作为回报。)
- They received a large payoff for winning the lottery. (他们因中奖获得了一大笔奖金。)
- She is hoping for a big payoff from her new business venture. (她希望能从自己的新创业中获得巨大的回报。)
- The payoff of the game was a tie. (这场比赛的结果是平局。)
- The payoff for their risky investment was a significant profit. (他们冒险投资的回报是可观的利润。)
- They made the final payoff on their house mortgage. (他们还清了房屋按揭贷款的最后一笔款项。)
- He is still waiting for the payoff from his hard work. (他仍在等待他努力工作的回报。)
- The payoff for their long hours of practice was a flawless performance. (他们长时间的练习的回报是一场完美无缺的表演。)
- They are expecting a big payoff from their investment in the stock market. (他们期望从自己在股市中的投资中获得巨大的回报。)