中英词典 - symbolize
1. 动词
2. 含义
a. 用符号表示或象征某事物
b. 作为象征来代表某事物
c. 象征,代表
d. 用符号表示特定含义或象征
e. 意味着,预示
a. 象征,符号
b. 象征主义
3. 词语辨析
4. 词汇扩充
symbolization(名词)- 象征化
symbolic(形容词)- 象征的,符号的
symbolism(名词)- 象征主义
symbolic representation(名词)- 象征性表示
5. 近义词
represent, signify, stand for
6. 反义词
disregard, ignore, overlook
7. 柯林斯词典解释
- If one thing symbolizes another, it is used or regarded as a symbol of it.
- If something symbolizes a quality or feature, it represents it.
- A symbolization of something is a particular thing or action that represents it or expresses it.
- Symbolism is the use of symbols in order to represent something.
8. 牛津词典解释
- Be a symbol of.
- Represent or identify by using a symbol.
- The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.
- The symbolic meaning or character of something.
9. 用法
例句1:The dove is often symbolized as a sign of peace.(鸽子常被象征为和平的标志。)
例句2:The color red symbolizes passion and love.(红色象征着激情和爱。)
例句3:In many cultures, the snake symbolizes rebirth and transformation.(在许多文化中,蛇象征着重生和变化。)
例句4:The national flag symbolizes the values and unity of a country.(国旗象征着一个国家的价值观和团结。)
例句5:The key symbolizes unlocking new opportunities.(钥匙象征着开启新机会。)
例句6:The eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom.(鹰是力量和自由的象征。)
例句7:The Statue of Liberty in New York is a powerful symbol of American values.(纽约的自由女神像是美国价值观的强大象征。)
例句8:The rose has long been a symbol of love and beauty.(玫瑰长久以来一直是爱和美的象征。)
例句9:The cross is a symbolic representation of Christianity.(十字架是基督教的象征性表示。)
例句10:The use of color in the painting adds an extra layer of symbolism.(绘画中的色彩运用增加了额外的象征意义。)
例句11:The symbolization of the moon as a feminine symbol is common in mythology.(将月亮象征为女性符号在神话中很常见。)
例句12:The symbolic representation of the dove is often associated with peace.(鸽子的象征性表示常与和平相关联。)
例句13:The symbolic meaning of the lotus flower is purity and enlightenment.(莲花的象征意义是纯净和启迪。)
例句14:The symbolic character of the snake in the story represents temptation.(故事中蛇的象征性角色代表诱惑。)
10. 相关例句
- The national flag symbolizes the pride and unity of the country.(国旗象征着国家的自豪和团结。)
- The dove has long been symbolized as a bird of peace.(鸽子长久以来被象征为和平的鸟类。)
- The red rose symbolizes love and romance.(红玫瑰象征着爱情和浪漫。)
- The use of color in the painting symbolizes different emotions.(绘画中的色彩象征着不同的情感。)
- In ancient mythology, the owl symbolized wisdom.(在古代神话中,猫头鹰象征着智慧。)
- The handshake symbolizes a greeting or agreement.(握手象征着问候或协议。)
- The lion is often symbolized as a representation of strength.(狮子常常被象征为力量的象征。)
- The yin-yang symbol symbolizes the balance of opposing forces.(阴阳符号象征着相互对立的力量的平衡。)
- The dove with an olive branch symbolizes peace.(手持橄榄枝的鸽子象征着和平。)
- The color black can symbolize both power and mystery.(黑色可以象征力量和神秘。)
- The lotus flower symbolizes purity and enlightenment in many eastern cultures.(莲花在许多东方文化中象征纯净和启迪。)
- The phoenix is a mythical bird that symbolizes rebirth and immortality.(凤凰是一种象征着重生和不朽的神秘鸟类。)
- The use of a crown symbolizes royalty and authority.(王冠的使用象征着王权和权威。)
- The white flag symbolizes surrender or truce.(白旗象征投降或休战。)
- In literature, the journey can often symbolize personal growth and transformation.(在文学中,旅程通常象征个人的成长和转变。)
- The heart shape symbolizes love and affection.(心形象征着爱和亲情。)
- The use of specific colors in a painting can symbolize different emotions or moods.(绘画中特定颜色的使用可以象征不同的情感或心情。)
- The oak tree is often symbolized as a representation of strength and endurance.(橡树常常被象征为力量和耐力的象征。)
- The word "rose" can symbolize beauty and love.(“玫瑰”这个词可以象征美丽和爱情。)
- The butterfly symbolizes transformation and rebirth.(蝴蝶象征着转变和重生。)