- 随机地;任意地
- 随机地;任意地
- 随机性;任意性
- random - 随机的
- randomize - 使随机化
- randomization - 随机化
- randomizer - 随机选择器
- randomness - 随机性;任意性
randomly 是 randomly 的副词形式,表示随机地、任意地。
random 是形容词,表示随机的、任意的。
- arbitrarily - 任意地
- haphazardly - 偶然地;无计划地
- capriciously - 反复无常地;任性地
- indiscriminately - 任意地;不加区别地
- systematically - 系统地;有条理地
- purposefully - 有目的地;故意地
- deliberately - 故意地;蓄意地
- intentionally - 故意地;有意地
randomly (adv.)
- If you do something randomly, you do it without any definite plan or pattern.
- If things happen randomly, they happen without any pattern or regularity.
randomly (adv.)
- In a way that happens, is done, or is chosen by chance rather than according to a plan.
- In a way that seems to have no particular order or purpose.
randomly 通常用作副词,修饰动词或形容词。
- The names were chosen randomly from a hat.
- He randomly selected a book from the shelf.
- The data was organized in a randomly distributed pattern.
- The students were assigned randomly to different groups.
- She decided to visit a randomly selected country.
- The computer program generates randomly selected numbers.
- He was chosen randomly from a group of volunteers.
- She likes to dress randomly without following any particular fashion trends.
- The professor distributed the assignments randomly among the students.
- We decided to go on a road trip and randomly picked a destination on the map.
- They randomly assigned participants to the control and experimental groups.
- The artist splattered paint randomly onto the canvas to create an abstract piece.
- The lottery numbers are drawn randomly by a computer program.
- The study participants were divided into two groups, one receiving the treatment and the other assigned randomly to the control group.
- In the game, players have to answer questions randomly chosen from a set of cards.
- The words on the page seemed to be arranged randomly without any coherent structure.
- She scrolled through the photos on her phone and randomly selected one to post on social media.
- During the experiment, the subjects were presented with stimuli randomly to avoid bias.
- The test questions were ordered randomly to prevent cheating.
- She couldn't decide what to wear, so she randomly grabbed a shirt from her closet.
- The contestants were asked randomly generated questions during the quiz show.
- In the simulation, the particles moved randomly within the virtual environment.
- He opened the book and randomly flipped to a page.
- The survey participants were chosen randomly from a database of registered users.
- She likes to explore new places by randomly choosing a direction and walking.