1. barricaded [形容词] 堵塞的,设路障的
例如:The streets were barricaded to prevent access to the protest site.(为阻止进入抗议现场,街道被设立了路障。)
1. barricade [名词] 路障,障碍物
例如:The protesters built a barricade to block the entrance to the government building.(抗议者建了一道路障,封锁了进入政府大楼的通道。)
2. barricade [名词] 障碍,阻碍
例如:The language barrier acted as a barricade to effective communication.(语言障碍成为了有效沟通的阻碍。)
1. barricade vs. blockade
barricade 侧重指为了封锁某一地点而设置的路障或障碍物;而blockade 侧重指为了封锁某一区域而设置的封锁线或封锁设施。
1. barricade oneself [词组] 封锁自己,设置障碍
例如:The protestors barricaded themselves inside the university campus.(抗议者封锁了自己在大学校园内。)
2. barricade runner [名词] 突围者,破封者
例如:During the war, he worked as a barricade runner, smuggling supplies through enemy lines.(战争期间,他充当了突围者的角色,通过敌线走私物资。)
1. blockade [名词] 封锁,封锁线
例如:The navy established a blockade to prevent the enemy ships from entering the harbor.(海军设立了封锁线,以阻止敌舰进入港口。)
2. obstruction [名词] 障碍,阻挡物
例如:They encountered an obstruction on the road and had to take a detour.(他们在路上遇到了一个障碍物,不得不绕道而行。)
1. opening [名词] 开口,通道
例如:The firefighters created an opening in the wall to rescue the trapped residents.(消防员在墙上开了一个口子,以解救被困的居民。)
2. access [名词] 进入,通道
例如:The construction workers blocked access to the building during renovation.(施工人员在装修期间封锁了进入该建筑物的通道。)
barricade [名词] 障碍,屏障;[动词] 设路障,封锁
barricade [名词] 障碍物,路障;[动词] 阻挡,设路障
1. barricade 作为名词时,常用于指代路障或障碍物,作为动词时,常用于指代设立路障或封锁某一地点。
2. barricade 可与介词 against 搭配使用,表示设置障碍以防止某事的发生。
3. barricade 还可作为及物动词,后接宾语表示“封锁某地”。
- The police set up barricades to control the flow of traffic during the parade.(警察设置了路障以控制游行期间的交通流量。)
- The demonstrators erected barricades in the streets, blocking access to the government buildings.(示威者在街上设置了路障,封锁了进入政府大楼的通道。)
- He barricaded himself in his room and refused to come out.(他把自己封锁在房间里,不肯出来。)
- The protesters used barricades to defend themselves against the advancing police.(抗议者用路障来抵御前进的警察。)
- Due to the earthquake, a barricade was formed by the fallen trees, making the road impassable.(由于地震,倒下的树木形成了一道路障,使道路无法通行。)
- She encountered a barricade of challenges in her path to success.(在通往成功的道路上,她遇到了一连串的挑战。)
- The barricade prevented the floodwaters from reaching the town.(路障阻止了洪水蔓延到城镇。)
- The riot police formed a barricade to protect the government building from the angry mob.(防暴警察组成了一道路障,以保护政府大楼不受愤怒的暴徒侵袭。)
- They used wooden planks and barrels to construct a barricade across the road.(他们用木板和桶筒在道路上搭建了一道路障。)
- The protesters were met with a barricade of armed soldiers as they tried to enter the restricted area.(当示威者试图进入受限区域时,他们遭遇到了一道由武装士兵组成的路障。)
- The barricades were finally removed, allowing traffic to flow freely again.(最终撤除了路障,使交通再次畅通无阻。)
- The police barricaded the area to keep the protesters from approaching the government building.(警方设立了路障,防止抗议者靠近政府大楼。)
- A barricade of police officers blocked the entrance to the stadium, preventing fans from entering.(一道由警察组成的路障封锁了进入体育场的入口,阻止了球迷的进入。)
- He used a heavy piece of furniture to barricade the door and keep intruders out.(他用一件重家具封锁了门,防止闯入者进入。)
- The road was blocked by a barricade of fallen rocks.(一道倒下的石头组成的路障挡住了道路。)
- They managed to break through the barricade and escape from the besieged city.(他们设法冲破了封锁线,逃离了被围困的城市。)
- We need to remove the barricades to allow emergency vehicles to pass through.(我们需要移除路障,以便让急救车辆通过。)
- The barricade of trees provided a natural barrier between the two properties.(树木组成的屏障在两处物业之间提供了一道天然屏障。)
- The security guards formed a human barricade to prevent unauthorized entry into the building.(保安人员组成了一道人墙,以防止未经授权的人员进入建筑物。)
- She used her body to create a human barricade and stop the moving vehicle.(她用自己的身体形成一道人墙,阻止车辆的行驶。)
- They hastily constructed a barricade of sandbags to protect the town from the rising floodwaters.(他们匆忙用沙袋建立了一道路障,以保护城镇免受不断上涨的洪水侵袭。)