1. 神秘的;超自然的
- 英语中的例句:His poetry is filled with mystical themes and imagery.
- 中文翻译:他的诗歌充满了神秘的主题和意象。
2. 深奥的;难以理解的
- 英语中的例句:The professor's lecture on quantum mechanics was too mystical for most of the students to comprehend.
- 中文翻译:教授关于量子力学的讲座对大多数学生来说太深奥了。
1. 神秘主义者;修行者
- 英语中的例句:The mystical spent years in solitude, seeking enlightenment.
- 中文翻译:这位修行者在孤独中度过了多年,寻求启示。
2. 神秘主义;神秘主义知识
- 英语中的例句:She delved into the study of mystical, hoping to find answers to life's deepest questions.
- 中文翻译:她深入研究神秘主义,希望找到生命最深层次问题的答案。
- 1. mystic:神秘的;神秘主义者
- 2. mysticism:神秘主义
- 3. enigmatic:谜一般的,神秘的
- 4. arcane:神秘的,晦涩难懂的
- 5. esoteric:深奥的,只有少数人懂得的
- 1. spiritual:灵性的,超自然的
- 2. transcendental:超越的,超自然的
- 3. ethereal:飘渺的,超凡的
- 4. otherworldly:超凡的,超自然的
- 1. mundane:平凡的,世俗的
- 2. ordinary:普通的,平凡的
- 3. familiar:熟悉的,常见的
- 4. tangible:有形的,可触摸的
mystical (adjective)
1. Relating to or involving religious or spiritual mysteries or phenomena.
2. Inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination.
3. Beyond ordinary understanding; difficult to explain or interpret.
mystical (noun)
A person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual significance of mystical experiences.
mystical (adjective)
1. Relating to mystics or religious mysticism.
2. Inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination.
3. Beyond ordinary understanding; difficult to interpret.
mystical (noun)
A person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual significance of mystical experiences.
1. 形容词“mystical”常用于描述与神秘主义、超自然相关的事物,也可形容引发灵性神秘感、敬畏和迷恋的事物。
- 例句:The old castle was shrouded in mystical legends and ghost stories.
- 中文翻译:这座古堡笼罩着神秘的传说和鬼故事。
2. 名词“mystical”用来指代神秘主义者或神秘主义知识。
- 例句:The book explores the thoughts and teachings of various mystical throughout history.
- 中文翻译:这本书探讨了历史上各种神秘主义者的思想和教导。
- His poetry is filled with mystical themes and imagery. 他的诗歌充满了神秘的主题和意象。
- The professor's lecture on quantum mechanics was too mystical for most of the students to comprehend. 教授关于量子力学的讲座对大多数学生来说太深奥了。
- The mystical spent years in solitude, seeking enlightenment. 这位修行者在孤独中度过了多年,寻求启示。
- She delved into the study of mystical, hoping to find answers to life's deepest questions. 她深入研究神秘主义,希望找到生命最深层次问题的答案。
- The mystical castle was rumored to be haunted by ghosts. 这座神秘的城堡据说闹鬼。
- The mystical experience left her with a profound sense of awe and wonder. 这次神秘的经历让她产生了深深的敬畏和惊奇之感。
- The teachings of the mystical emphasized the importance of inner reflection and meditation. 神秘主义者的教导强调了内心反思和冥想的重要性。
- He was drawn to the mystical teachings of ancient Eastern philosophies. 他被古代东方哲学的神秘教导所吸引。
- The mystical nature of the universe has captivated philosophers and scientists for centuries. 宇宙的神秘本质吸引了几个世纪的哲学家和科学家。
- She had a mystical experience during her meditation retreat, feeling a deep connection with nature. 她在冥想修行中有了一次神秘的经历,感受到了与自然的深刻联系。
- The mystical writings of the poet resonated with readers, evoking a sense of wonder and introspection. 这位诗人的神秘写作引起了读者的共鸣,唤起了对奇迹和内省的感觉。
- Many ancient cultures had their own mystical traditions and practices. 许多古代文化都有自己的神秘传统和实践。
- Exploring the mystical side of life can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe. 探索生活的神秘一面可以带来对自身和宇宙的更深刻理解。
- The mystical journey of self-discovery requires introspection and a willingness to explore the unknown. 自我发现的神秘之旅需要内省和探索未知的愿望。
- The mystical beauty of the sunset filled her with a sense of wonder and awe. 夕阳的神秘美景让她充满了惊奇和敬畏之感。
- He was known for his mystical interpretations of ancient texts. 他以对古代文本的神秘解读而闻名。
- The mystical rituals and ceremonies of the tribe held deep spiritual significance. 部落的神秘仪式和典礼具有深刻的精神意义。
- The mystical teachings of the guru offered guidance on the path to enlightenment. 这位大师的神秘教导为通往觉悟之路提供了指引。
- She had a mystical vision during her near-death experience, feeling a sense of peace and unity with the universe. 她在濒死经历中有了一次神秘的视觉,感受到了与宇宙的平静和统一。
- The mystical practices of the ancient Egyptians were centered around the worship of their gods and the belief in an afterlife. 古埃及人的神秘实践围绕着对他们的神的崇拜和对来世的信仰。
- He devoted himself to the study of mystical, seeking a deeper understanding of the universe and his place in it. 他致力于研究神秘主义,寻求对宇宙和自己在其中的位置的更深刻理解。