- 令人动容的;感人的;引起共鸣的。
- 触动内心的;引起情感共鸣的。
- 触及的;接触的。
- 触摸;碰触。
touching, moving, affecting, poignant
touchingly (adverb):动人地,感人地
touchingness (noun):动人,感人
moving, affecting, poignant, heartwarming, emotional, stirring
unfeeling, indifferent, cold, heartless
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
- If you describe something such as a story or a piece of music as touching, you mean that it makes you feel pity, sympathy, or sadness.
- If you describe someone as touching, you mean that they behave towards other people in a way that shows kindness and affection.
- If you describe something as touching, you think it is interesting and rather moving.
- The touching of something is the action or fact of putting your hand or another part of your body onto it in order to feel it.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
- A touching story, film, or song causes you to feel pity or sympathy.
- If you describe someone as touching, you mean that they behave towards other people in a kind and affectionate way that makes you feel emotional.
- If you describe something such as a speech or a piece of music as touching, you think it is sad and likely to make people feel emotional.
- The action of touching something.
1. 形容词用法:
a touching scene/story/song
It was a touching tribute to his late wife.
She has a touching way of expressing herself.
The movie was touching and beautifully filmed.
He gave a touching speech at the ceremony.
2. 名词用法:
The touching of the sculpture revealed its smooth texture.
He felt a touching on his shoulder and turned to see who it was.
- The movie's touching ending brought tears to my eyes. (这部电影感人的结局让我流泪。)
- She wrote a touching letter to express her gratitude. (她写了一封感人的信表达她的感激之情。)
- The touching story of their friendship inspired many people. (他们友谊的动人故事激励了很多人。)
- The old man's touching act of kindness will always be remembered. (这位老人动人的善举将永远被记住。)
- Her touching words moved everyone in the room. (她动人的话语感动了房间里的每个人。)
- The touchingness of the film lies in its portrayal of the human spirit. (这部电影的感人之处在于它对人性的描绘。)
- His touchingly honest confession won the hearts of the audience. (他动人地诚实的坦白赢得了观众的心。)
- The touching moment when they reunited after years of separation brought tears to their eyes. (多年分离后重聚的感人时刻让他们热泪盈眶。)
- It was a touching gesture when she held his hand tightly. (当她紧紧握住他的手时,那是一个感人的姿态。)
- The touching tribute to the fallen soldiers brought the crowd to tears. (对阵亡战士的感人致敬令人们热泪盈眶。)
- His touching words of encouragement gave her the strength to keep going. (他动人的鼓励之词给了她继续前进的力量。)
- The touching story of their love inspired many people. (他们的爱情动人的故事激励了很多人。)
- She had a touching way of comforting others in times of need. (在困难时期,她有一种令人动容的安慰方式。)
- His touching performance in the play moved the audience to tears. (他在戏剧中的感人表演让观众热泪盈眶。)
- The touching reunion of the long-lost siblings was a moment of pure joy. (失散多年的兄妹动情的重聚是一刻纯粹的喜悦。)
- The touching melody of the song resonated with the listeners' emotions. (这首歌动人的旋律引起了听众的情感共鸣。)
- His touching act of forgiveness showed the true depth of his character. (他动人的宽恕行为展示了他的真正品质。)
- The touching film captured the essence of human compassion. (这部感人的电影捕捉到了人类同情心的本质。)
- The touching moment when the soldier reunited with his family was captured on camera. (士兵与家人重聚的感人时刻被摄像机记录下来。)
- Her touching speech at the charity event moved everyone in the audience. (她在慈善活动上的感人演讲让观众们无不动容。)
- The touching letter she received from her long-lost friend brought back memories of their childhood. (她收到的好友来信勾起了她们童年时光的回忆,感人至极。)