saying: 格言的,谚语的
saying: 格言,谚语
idiom: 成语
adage: 格言,谚语
aphorism: 格言,警句
maxim: 格言,箴言
quote: 引用,引述
proverb, adage, aphorism, maxim, quote
explanation, explanation
saying (noun): A saying is a sentence that people often say and that gives advice or information about human life and experience.
saying (noun): A short, pithy expression that generally contains advice or wisdom.
1. He often quotes ancient sayings in his speeches. (他经常在演讲中引用古老的谚语。)
2. The saying "Actions speak louder than words" is often used to emphasize the importance of actions. (谚语“行动胜于言辞”常被用来强调行动的重要性。)
3. It is a well-known saying that honesty is the best policy. (众所周知,诚实是最好的策略。)
4. The teacher explained the meaning of the saying to the students. (老师向学生解释了这个谚语的意思。)
- As the saying goes, "Where there's smoke, there's fire." (俗话说,“众口铄金,积毁销骨。”)
- It's important to take sayings with a grain of salt and think critically. (重要的是对待谚语持怀疑态度并进行批判性思考。)
- "A stitch in time saves nine" is a popular saying that emphasizes the importance of taking timely action. (“一针不漏”是一句流行的谚语,强调及时行动的重要性。)
- She lives by the saying "Live and let live," always being accepting and non-judgmental. (她遵循“和平共处”的格言,始终保持包容和不偏见。)
- My grandmother often shares sayings that have been passed down through generations. (我的祖母经常分享代代相传的谚语。)
- I find comfort and guidance in sayings that have stood the test of time. (我从那些经受住时间考验的格言中获得安慰和指导。)
- The saying "Birds of a feather flock together" suggests that people with similar interests or characteristics tend to associate with each other. (谚语“物以类聚”表明有着相似兴趣或特点的人倾向于彼此交往。)
- He often peppers his conversations with sayings and proverbs, adding depth and wisdom to his words. (他经常在谈话中加入谚语和格言,给他的话语增添了深度和智慧。)
- The saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" reminds us that beauty is subjective and varies from person to person. (谚语“情人眼里出西施”提醒我们美是主观的,因人而异。)
- His actions speak louder than words, proving the truth of the saying. (他的行动胜于言辞,证明了这个谚语的真理。)
- She shared a saying from her culture that encapsulated the importance of family and community. (她分享了她文化中体现了家庭和社区重要性的一句谚语。)
- The saying "All that glitters is not gold" cautions against judging things solely by their outward appearance. (谚语“闪光的未必都是金子”警告我们不要仅凭外表来判断事物。)
- He used a famous saying to illustrate his point and make it more relatable. (他使用了一句著名的谚语来阐述他的观点,使其更易理解。)
- The saying "The early bird catches the worm" advises people to start their day early to achieve success. (谚语“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”建议人们早起以取得成功。)
- She often turns to sayings for inspiration and motivation during challenging times. (在困难时期,她经常寻求谚语的启发和动力。)
- His words of wisdom are often distilled into memorable sayings that resonate with people. (他的智慧之言常以令人难忘的格言形式呈现,引起人们共鸣。)
- The saying "You reap what you sow" reminds us that our actions have consequences. (谚语“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”提醒我们我们的行为会有相应的后果。)
- He shared an ancient saying that encapsulated the essence of a well-lived life. (他分享了一句古老的谚语,概括了一种美好的生活本质。)
- Her grandmother's wise saying guided her through difficult decisions and challenges. (她祖母的智慧谚语引导她度过了艰难的决策和挑战。)
- The saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" highlights the power of words and communication. (谚语“笔能杀人”强调了言辞和交流的力量。)
- He often embellishes his stories with sayings and quotes from famous authors. (他经常用名人的格言和引用来装点他的故事。)