- 1. winding: 蜿蜒曲折的
- 1. (for watches) 上弦装置
- 2. (for stairs) 转角处
- 3. (for yarn) 绕线器
- 4. (for windows) 窗的卷曲装置
- 5. (for clocks) 上发条装置
- coil: 卷绕物
- reel: 卷轴
- spool: 线轴
- 1. The automatic watch has a winder that winds the mechanism as the wearer moves their arm. (这只自动表有一个装置,当佩戴者摆动手臂时,它会给机械装置上弦。)
- 2. The staircase has a winder at the corner to change the direction of the steps. (楼梯在拐角处有一个转角处,用于改变台阶的方向。)
- 3. She used the winder to wind the yarn into a neat ball. (她用绕线器把线绕成一个整齐的球。)
- 4. The winder on the window broke, so I couldn't open or close it easily. (窗子的卷曲装置坏了,所以我不能轻松地打开或关闭它。)
- 5. The clock's winder is located at the back and needs to be turned to wind the mechanism. (时钟的上发条装置位于背面,需要转动才能上弦。)
- He took out his watch and used the winder to wind it up. - 他拿出手表,用上弦装置给它上弦。
- The staircase has a winder at the corner, making it more compact. - 这个楼梯在拐角处有一个转角处,使其更紧凑。
- She carefully wound the yarn onto the winder. - 她小心翼翼地把线绕在绕线器上。
- The winder for the window blinds was difficult to operate. - 窗帘的卷曲装置很难操作。
- He used the winder to wind the clock every evening. - 他每天晚上用上发条装置给钟表上弦。
- The staircase has a winder step that changes the direction of the stairs. - 这个楼梯有一个转角台阶,改变了楼梯的方向。
- She carefully wound the thread onto the winder. - 她小心地把线绕在线轴上。
- The winder on the window broke and now I can't open it. - 窗子的窗帘装置坏了,现在我打不开窗子了。
- The winder for the clock is located at the back. - 时钟的上发条装置位于后面。
- He used a winder to wind the fishing line onto the reel. - 他用一个绕线器把渔线绕在卷轴上。
- The staircase has a winder that allows it to fit into a smaller space. - 这个楼梯有一个转角台阶,使其适应较小的空间。
- She skillfully operated the winder to wind the yarn. - 她熟练地操作绕线器把纱线绕起来。
- The winder for the window blinds was stuck and couldn't be moved. - 窗帘的窗帘装置卡住了,无法移动。
- He turned the winder on the clock to wind it up. - 他转动时钟上的上发条装置给它上弦。
- The staircase design included a winder to make a smooth turn. - 这个楼梯设计包括一个转角处,使其转弯顺滑。
- She used the winder to wind the thread onto the spool. - 她用绕线器把线绕在线轴上。
- The winder on the window was broken and couldn't be repaired. - 窗子的窗帘装置坏了,无法修复。
- He carefully turned the winder on the clock to keep it running. - 他小心翼翼地转动时钟上的上发条装置,让它继续运转。
- The staircase had a winder step to change the direction of the stairs. - 这个楼梯有一个转角台阶,改变了楼梯的方向。
- She used the winder to wind the yarn into a neat ball. - 她用绕线器把线绕成一个整齐的球。
- The winder on the window broke, so I couldn't open or close it easily. - 窗子的卷曲装置坏了,所以我不能轻松地打开或关闭它。
- The clock's winder is located at the back and needs to be turned to wind the mechanism. - 时钟的上发条装置位于背面,需要转动才能上弦。