1. 破碎的 英文:shattered, broken into pieces 例句:The vase lay on the floor in shards. (花瓶碎成了几块。)
1. 碎片 英文:fragment, piece, splinter 例句:He carefully collected the shards of glass. (他小心地收集着玻璃碎片。)
2. (古器物等的)片状残片 英文:fragment, fragmentary piece 例句:Archaeologists found shards of pottery at the ancient site. (考古学家在古遗址上发现了陶器的片状残片。)
3. (建筑物等的)残片 英文:remnant, fragment 例句:After the explosion, the building was left in shards. (爆炸后,建筑物成了残垣断壁。)
1. pottery shard 英文:陶器碎片 例句:Archaeologists discovered pottery shards from the ancient civilization. (考古学家发现了古文明的陶器碎片。)
2. glass shard 英文:玻璃碎片 例句:She accidentally stepped on a glass shard and cut her foot. (她不小心踩到了一块玻璃碎片,割伤了脚。)
fragment, piece, splinter, remnant
whole, intact, unbroken
shard (名词)
shard (名词)
1. The earthquake left the city in shards. (地震使得城市成了废墟。)
2. She carefully glued the shards of the broken mirror back together. (她小心地将破碎的镜子的碎片粘合在一起。)
3. The archaeologist discovered a shard of ancient pottery. (考古学家发现了一片古陶器。)
- The vase lay on the floor in shards. (花瓶碎成了几块。)
- He carefully collected the shards of glass. (他小心地收集着玻璃碎片。)
- Archaeologists found shards of pottery at the ancient site. (考古学家在古遗址上发现了陶器的片状残片。)
- After the explosion, the building was left in shards. (爆炸后,建筑物成了残垣断壁。)
- She accidentally stepped on a glass shard and cut her foot. (她不小心踩到了一块玻璃碎片,割伤了脚。)
- The archaeologist discovered pottery shards from the ancient civilization. (考古学家发现了古文明的陶器碎片。)
- The earthquake left the city in shards. (地震使得城市成了废墟。)
- She carefully glued the shards of the broken mirror back together. (她小心地将破碎的镜子的碎片粘合在一起。)
- The archaeologist discovered a shard of ancient pottery. (考古学家发现了一片古陶器。)
- They carefully examined the shards of the ancient statue. (他们仔细观察了古代雕像的碎片。)
- The explosion shattered the window into countless shards. (爆炸将窗户炸成了无数碎片。)
- She cut her finger on a shard of broken glass. (她在一块破碎玻璃的碎片上割伤了手指。)
- The museum displayed a collection of pottery shards from different historical periods. (博物馆展示了来自不同历史时期的陶器碎片。)
- They found a shard of a medieval drinking vessel during the excavation. (他们在挖掘中发现了一片中世纪饮具的碎片。)
- The shards of the shattered mirror reflected the light in all directions. (破碎镜子的碎片将光线反射到各个方向。)
- She carefully swept up the shards of the broken plate. (她小心地扫起了破碎盘子的碎片。)
- The archaeologists used the pottery shards to learn about ancient cooking techniques. (考古学家利用陶器碎片来了解古代的烹饪技术。)
- The explosion left the building in shards of rubble. (爆炸使建筑物变成了一堆碎石。)
- She carefully removed the shards of broken glass from the window frame. (她小心地从窗框上移走了破碎玻璃的碎片。)
- The shards of the ancient statue were carefully reassembled by the restoration team. (古代雕像的碎片由修复团队仔细拼凑起来。)
- He accidentally stepped on a shard of pottery and cut his foot. (他不小心踩到了一块陶器的碎片,割伤了脚。)