1. 假冒品;伪造物
1.1 伪造文件;伪造品
1.2 伪造艺术品
1. 伪造(forgery)指制作或仿制某物以欺骗他人,通常指伪造文件、签名、货币等。
2. 假冒(counterfeit)指制作或仿制以假冒真品,通常指制造冒牌货、伪造货币等。
近义词:fake, counterfeit, falsification
反义词:authenticity, genuineness
A forgery is an illegal copy of something, especially a document, banknote, or painting.
The action of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.
2. 伪造罪行
2.1 伪造文件罪
2.2 伪造艺术品罪
1. 伪造罪(forgery)指以制作或仿制某物来欺骗他人的罪行,通常指伪造文件、签名、货币等。
2. 假冒罪(counterfeiting)指制造或仿制以假冒真品的罪行,通常指制造冒牌货、伪造货币等。
近义词:counterfeiting, falsification, fraud
反义词:authenticity, genuineness, legitimacy
Forgery is the crime of forging money, documents, or works of art.
The crime of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.
1. 伪造文件的;伪造签名的
2. 伪造货币的
1. 伪造的(forged)指以伪造手段制作或仿制的,通常用于描述伪造的文件、签名、货币等。
2. 假冒的(counterfeit)指以伪造手段制作或仿制的,通常用于描述冒牌货、伪造货币等。
近义词:fake, false, fraudulent
反义词:authentic, genuine, legitimate
Something that is forged is false, but is made to look genuine in order to deceive people.
Produced in imitation; not genuine.
- He was arrested for forgery after attempting to use counterfeit money.(他因试图使用假币而被逮捕,罪名是伪造)
- The painting was discovered to be a forgery and not an original.(这幅画被发现是一幅伪造品,不是原作)
- The police found a stash of forged passports in his apartment.(警方在他的公寓里发现了一批伪造的护照)
- A forged signature was found on the contract.(合同上发现了一个伪造的签名)
- The forgery of important documents is a serious crime.(重要文件的伪造是一种严重的犯罪行为)
- He was convicted of forgery and sentenced to five years in prison.(他被判犯有伪造罪,判处五年监禁)
- The artist was skilled in creating forged masterpieces.(这位艺术家擅长制作伪造的杰作)
- The bank refused to accept the forged banknote.(银行拒绝接受这张伪造的钞票)
- The detective was assigned to investigate the forgery case.(侦探被指派调查这起伪造案件)
- She was accused of counterfeiting money and producing forged documents.(她被指控伪造货币和制作伪造文件)
- The museum curator suspected that the painting might be a fake and ordered tests to verify its authenticity.(博物馆馆长怀疑这幅画可能是一件赝品,于是下令进行鉴定以验证其真实性)
- The student was expelled for submitting a fraudulent essay that was not written by her.(这名学生因提交了一篇不是她写的作文而被开除)
- He was charged with counterfeiting concert tickets and selling them online.(他被指控制造了假的音乐会门票并在网上销售)
- The counterfeit designer handbags were confiscated by customs officials.(假冒的名牌手提包被海关官员没收)
- The detective discovered a falsification of the company's financial records.(侦探发现了公司财务记录的伪造)
- The art collector was disappointed to find out that the valuable painting he bought was a forgery.(这位艺术收藏家很失望地发现他购买的名贵画作是一件赝品)
- The forged document was used as evidence in the trial.(伪造的文件被用作审判的证据)
- The criminal was charged with forgery of official documents.(该犯罪分子被控伪造公文)
- The bank implemented new security measures to prevent counterfeiting of their currency.(银行采取了新的安全措施以防止货币的伪造)
- The painter was known for his talent in creating forged masterpieces that fooled many experts.(这位画家以制作出让许多专家上当的伪造杰作而闻名)