1. holidays (形容词)中文意思:假日的,节日的
英文释义:relating to or constituting a holiday
- We always go on a family trip during the holidays. (我们总是在假期期间一起去旅行。)
- During the holidays, the city is beautifully decorated with lights. (在节日期间,城市被灯光美丽地装饰起来。)
1. holidays (名词)中文意思:假期,休假
英文释义:a period of cessation from work or one of recreation
- I'm looking forward to the holidays so I can relax. (我期待假期,这样我就可以放松了。)
- During the summer holidays, we often go camping. (在暑假期间,我们经常去露营。)
1. holidays vs. vacation中文意思:假期(复数) vs. 假期(单数)
- I have two weeks of holidays in December. (我在十二月有两周的假期。)
- I'm going on vacation to Hawaii next week. (下周我要去夏威夷度假。)
1. public holidays中文意思:公共假期
英文释义:days on which the public is officially given a holiday from work; national holidays
- We have several public holidays throughout the year. (我们一年有几个公共假期。)
- On public holidays, most businesses and offices are closed. (在公共假期,大多数商店和办公室都关门。)
英文释义:a public holiday when banks and other financial institutions are closed
- Bank holidays are usually observed on Mondays in the UK. (英国的银行假期通常在星期一。)
- During bank holidays, people often plan trips or spend time with family and friends. (在银行假期,人们经常计划旅行或与家人朋友相聚。)
1. vacations中文意思:假期,休假
英文释义:a period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, or relaxation
- Many people prefer taking vacations in tropical destinations. (许多人更喜欢在热带地区度假。)
- Summer vacations are a great time to recharge and unwind. (夏季假期是放松和休息的好时机。)
1. workdays中文意思:工作日
英文释义:the days of the week on which work is typically done
- I usually relax and enjoy my hobbies on weekends and holidays, while focusing on work during workdays. (在周末和假期,我通常放松享受爱好,而在工作日专注于工作。)
- Workdays can be quite busy, but holidays provide a much-needed break. (工作日可能很忙,但假期提供了一个非常需要的休息。)
Collins Dictionary definition:
holidays (noun)
1. (mainly British) a period in which a break is taken from work or studies for rest, travel, or recreation; vacation
2. (mainly British) a day on which part or all of the day is given up to celebrations, special observances, or leisure; public or religious festival
holidays (adjective)
relating to or happening during a holiday; festive
Oxford English Dictionary definition:
holidays (noun)
1. (British) a period of cessation from work or one of recreation; vacation
2. (British) a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done
holidays (adjective)
relating to a holiday; festive
1. I am going on holidays next week.
2. We always visit our grandparents during the holidays.
3. Many people travel abroad for holidays.
4. The school will be closed for the holidays.
5. I love the festive atmosphere during the holidays.
6. The holidays are a time to relax and spend time with loved ones.
7. He took a well-deserved holiday after months of hard work.
8. The holiday season is a busy time for retailers.
9. We usually exchange gifts with friends and family during the holidays.
10. The office will be closed for the Christmas holiday.
- 我们总是在假期期间一起去旅行。We always go on a family trip during the holidays.
- 在节日期间,城市被灯光美丽地装饰起来。During the holidays, the city is beautifully decorated with lights.
- 我期待假期,这样我就可以放松了。I'm looking forward to the holidays so I can relax.
- 在暑假期间,我们经常去露营。During the summer holidays, we often go camping.
- 我在十二月有两周的假期。I have two weeks of holidays in December.
- 下周我要去夏威夷度假。I'm going on vacation to Hawaii next week.
- 我们一年有几个公共假期。We have several public holidays throughout the year.
- 在公共假期,大多数商店和办公室都关门。On public holidays, most businesses and offices are closed.
- 英国的银行假期通常在星期一。Bank holidays are usually observed on Mondays in the UK.
- 在银行假期,人们经常计划旅行或与家人朋友相聚。During bank holidays, people often plan trips or spend time with family and friends.
- 许多人更喜欢在热带地区度假。Many people prefer taking vacations in tropical destinations.
- 夏季假期是放松和休息的好时机。Summer vacations are a great time to recharge and unwind.
- 在周末和假期,我通常放松享受爱好,而在工作日专注于工作。I usually relax and enjoy my hobbies on weekends and holidays, while focusing on work during workdays.
- 工作日可能很忙,但假期提供了一个非常需要的休息。Workdays can be quite busy, but holidays provide a much-needed break.
- 我下周要放假了。I'm going on holidays next week.
- 假期期间我们总是去看望爷爷奶奶。We always visit our grandparents during the holidays.
- 很多人会在节假日出国旅游。Many people travel abroad for holidays.
- 学校将在假期期间关闭。The school will be closed for the holidays.
- 我喜欢节假日的喜庆氛围。I love the festive atmosphere during the holidays.
- 假期是放松和与亲人共度时光的时候。The holidays are a time to relax and spend time with loved ones.
- 他在几个月的辛勤工作后休了一个应得的假期。He took a well-deserved holiday after months of hard work.
- 假日季节对于零售商来说是一个繁忙的时期。The holiday season is a busy time for retailers.
- 我们通常在假期与朋友和家人交换礼物。We usually exchange gifts with friends and family during the holidays.
- 办公室将在圣诞假期关闭。The office will be closed for the Christmas holiday.