1. test (形容词) - 用于测试的,检验的2. tested (形容词) - 经受考验的,经过测试的
3. testing (形容词) - 测试中的,试验的
1. test (名词) - 测试,考试2. examination (名词) - 考试,检查
3. quiz (名词) - 测验,小考
1. test 和 examination 的区别:test 通常指一种评估个人知识、技能或能力的过程,而 examination 更常用于正式的考试,可能包括多个科目或一系列的测试项目。
2. test 和 quiz 的区别:
test 一般指较为正式的测试,而 quiz 通常指较小的测验,可能是一些简短的问题或小考。
1. test (动词) - 测试,检验2. tester (名词) - 测试者,检验员
3. testable (形容词) - 可测试的,可检验的
4. testiness (名词) - 易怒,暴躁
5. testily (副词) - 暴躁地,易怒地
1. examination - assessment, evaluation, test2. quiz - test, assessment, examination
3. trial - test, experiment, evaluation
1. pass - fail, flunk, not pass2. succeed - fail, lose, not succeed
test (名词) - 1. A test is a deliberate action or experiment to find out how well something works. 2. A test is a set of questions or problems that is intended to measure someone's knowledge, skill, or ability. 3. A test is a medical examination of a part of your body or a substance in your body in order to find out if it is normal or diseased. 4. The test of something is a situation or event in which it is possible to judge how successful or effective it is. (动词) - 1. If you test something, you try it, use it, or do it to find out what it is, what it is like, or how it works. 2. If you test someone or something, you ask them questions or give them instructions in order to find out how much they know about a particular subject or how well they are able to do something. 3. If you test someone or something, you do a medical examination of them to find out what is wrong with them or to find out if they are injured. 4. If you test someone's ability to do something, for example to see if they are old enough or skilled enough to drive a car, you make them take a test.牛津词典
test (名词) - 1. A procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use. 2. A short written or spoken examination of a person's proficiency or knowledge. 3. A procedure employed to identify a substance or to reveal the presence or absence of a constituent within a substance. 4. A means of establishing whether an action, item, or situation is an instance of a specified quality, especially one held to be desirable or undesirable. (动词) - 1. Take measures to check the quality, performance, or reliability of (something), especially before putting it into widespread use or practice. 2. Carry out a medical or psychological examination of (a substance or body fluid) in order to assess health or detect the presence of drugs.用法
1. The teacher gave us a test in math today. (老师今天在数学课上给我们一张考试试卷。)2. He is preparing for a driving test. (他正在准备驾驶考试。)
3. The doctor ordered some blood tests. (医生开了一些血液检查。)
4. The success of the project will be put to the test. (项目的成功将经受考验。)
5. I need to test this new software before we use it. (我需要在使用之前测试这个新软件。)