ditches (形容词) 1. 掘过沟的,沟渠的Example: The farmer dug ditches to drain excess water from his fields.
ditches (名词) 1. 沟,沟渠Example: The workers cleared the ditches to prevent flooding during the heavy rain.
例句:工人们清理沟渠,以防止大雨时发生洪水。 2. (战壕中的)地下排水沟
Example: The soldiers took cover in the ditches during the attack.
ditches (名词) 1. 沟渠 (ditch):一般指人工挖掘或开凿的长而浅的水道,用于排水或引水。Example: The irrigation system relies on a network of ditches to distribute water to the fields.
例句:这个灌溉系统依靠一系列的沟渠将水分配到田地中。 2. 战壕 (trench):指挖掘用于军事目的的、较深的地下壕沟。
Example: The soldiers dug trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire.
ditches (名词) 1. 渠道 (channel)2. 水沟 (gutter)
3. 排水沟 (drainage ditch)
4. 战壕 (trench)
5. 壕沟 (moat)
6. 河道 (riverbed)
7. 水道 (watercourse)
8. 水渠 (canal)
ditches (名词) 1. trench2. channel
3. gutter
4. moat
5. drain
ditches (名词) 1. hill2. plateau
3. mountain
4. summit
5. peak
ditches (名词)
1. A ditch is a long narrow channel cut into the ground at the side of a road or field.
2. A ditch is a deep channel dug at the side of a field or around a field to hold water and protect it from animals or from flooding.
ditches (名词)
1. A long narrow hole dug at the side of a field, road, or path and used to hold or take away water.
2. A trench or pit dug in the ground, typically used for drainage or as a boundary marker.
ditches (名词) 的常见用法:
- The workers cleared the ditches to prevent flooding during the heavy rain.
- The archaeologists found ancient artifacts in the ditches near the ruins.
- The children enjoyed playing in the shallow ditch filled with water.
- The farmer uses ditches to irrigate his crops.
- The contractor is digging ditches to install the new pipes.
承包商正在挖沟以安装新的管道。 - They found a dead animal in the ditch by the road.
他们在路边的沟渠里发现了一只死动物。 - The car skidded and ended up in a ditch.
汽车打滑后落入了沟里。 - The soldiers dug trenches for protection.
士兵们挖掘战壕以进行保护。 - She fell into a ditch while walking in the dark.
她在黑暗中走路时掉进了沟里。 - The ditches are filled with water after the heavy rain.
大雨过后,沟渠里充满了水。 - He drove his tractor into a ditch.
他把拖拉机开进了沟渠。 - The ditch alongside the road is overgrown with weeds.
路边的沟渠长满了杂草。 - The children built a dam in the ditch to create a small pond.
孩子们在沟渠里筑坝,造了一个小池塘。 - We walked along the ditch to reach the other side of the field.
我们沿着沟渠走来到达田地的另一边。 - The water in the ditch is stagnant and dirty.
沟渠里的水停滞不流,脏兮兮的。 - She lost her keys and had to search through the ditch to find them.
她丢了钥匙,不得不在沟渠里搜寻才找到。 - The farmer dug ditches to drain excess water from his fields.
农民挖了沟渠来排除田地上多余的水。 - The workers used shovels to dig the ditches deeper.
工人们用铁锹把沟渠挖得更深。 - During the construction, the ditches were filled with construction debris.
施工期间,沟渠里堆满了建筑垃圾。 - They built a bridge over the ditch to connect the two sides of the road.
他们在沟渠上建了一座桥,连接了两侧的道路。 - The ditches on the farm are used for irrigation.
农场上的沟渠用于灌溉。 - The soldiers took cover in the ditches during the attack.
士兵们在袭击时躲到了战壕中的地下排水沟里。 - The children had a picnic near the ditch, enjoying the peaceful surroundings.
孩子们在沟渠附近野餐,享受着宁静的环境。 - After heavy rainfall, the ditches quickly filled with water.
大雨过后,沟渠迅速充满了水。 - She accidentally dropped her phone into the ditch.