natter [ˈnætər] (v.)
- 闲聊;唠叨
- 絮叨地说;嘮叨
- natterer (n.):唠叨的人;絮叨者
- natter (n.):闲聊;唠叨
listen、be quiet、silent
natter (v.):If you say that someone is nattering, you mean they are talking continuously, especially about unimportant things.
natter (v.):Talk casually, especially about unimportant matters; chatter.
natter is commonly used in informal contexts to describe casual and often trivial conversation. It can also imply a sense of rambling or excessive talking. It is often used in British English.
- She loves to natter on the phone for hours at a time. 她喜欢打电话聊个没完没了。
- We sat in the café, nattering about our weekend plans. 我们坐在咖啡馆里,聊着我们的周末计划。
- Stop nattering and get back to work. 别唠叨了,回去工作。
- I can't concentrate with all their nattering in the background. 他们背后絮絮叨叨的声音让我无法集中注意力。
- She's such a natterer, always going on about nothing. 她真是个唠叨的人,总是没完没了地说些无聊的东西。
- He's a natterer who never seems to run out of things to say. 他是个絮叨的人,似乎永远都说不完。
- Let's have a natter over a cup of tea. 我们边喝茶边聊聊吧。
- I bumped into an old friend at the supermarket, and we had a good natter. 我在超市碰到一个老朋友,我们聊得很愉快。
- She spends hours on the phone, nattering away to her friends. 她花了几个小时跟朋友们聊天。
- The two old ladies sat on the park bench, nattering about their grandchildren. 两位老太太坐在公园的长椅上,絮絮叨叨地谈论着她们的孙子孙女。
- He always natters on about his latest hobbies, but I can't say I'm interested. 他总是絮叨着他最新的爱好,但我对此并不感兴趣。
- They nattered away happily, oblivious to the time passing. 他们快乐地聊个不停,对时间的流逝毫不在意。
- The children were nattering to each other in the backseat of the car. 孩子们在汽车后座上彼此聊个不停。
- Every morning, the ladies in the office gather around the coffee machine and natter about their evenings. 每天早晨,办公室的女士们都聚在咖啡机旁,聊着她们的晚上。
- She's always nattering on the phone, even when she's supposed to be working. 她总是忙里偷闲地打电话,即使是工作时间也不例外。
- They nattered on for hours, completely ignoring the fact that I was waiting. 他们聊了几个小时,完全没有注意到我在等待。
- I find it hard to concentrate when people are nattering around me. 当人们在我周围絮絮叨叨的时候,我很难集中注意力。
- She's always nattering in the office, distracting everyone from their work. 她总是在办公室里絮絮叨叨,分散了大家的注意力。
- The group of friends sat in the park, nattering and laughing under the afternoon sun. 一群朋友坐在公园里,在午后的阳光下聊天笑声不断。
- My grandmother loves to natter about the good old days. 我的奶奶喜欢絮叨着过去的美好时光。