1. 努力的;艰难的
2. 斗争的;奋斗的
1. 斗争;奋斗
2. 挣扎
struggle, fight, battle, conflict
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)解释
形容词 struggling:If you describe something or someone as struggling, you mean that they are trying very hard to do something when it is difficult or when they are being prevented from doing it properly.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)解释
形容词 struggling:Having difficulty or making slow and laboured movements.
1. struggling with:与...作斗争
2. struggling to:努力做某事
- He is a struggling artist trying to make a name for himself. 他是一个努力艰难的艺术家,试图打出名堂。
- The country is struggling to recover from years of conflict. 这个国家正努力从多年的冲突中恢复过来。
- She is struggling to pay her bills every month. 她每个月都在艰难地支付账单。
- The fish put up a struggle before being caught. 这条鱼在被捕前进行了挣扎。
- The team showed great fighting spirit in the game. 这个团队在比赛中表现出极强的战斗精神。
- They are battling against corruption in the government. 他们正与政府的腐败作斗争。
- He is striving to achieve his goals despite the obstacles. 尽管有障碍,他仍在努力实现自己的目标。
- The company is endeavoring to reduce its carbon footprint. 这家公司正在努力减少其碳足迹。
- She is toiling away in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the family. 她在厨房里辛勤劳作,为家人准备晚餐。
- The struggling economy is in desperate need of reform. 这个摇摇欲坠的经济迫切需要改革。
- The struggling student sought help from a tutor. 这个学业困难的学生向导师寻求帮助。
- He is a struggling actor who takes odd jobs to pay the bills. 他是一个艰难求生的演员,靠做零工来支付账单。
- She is struggling with addiction and is seeking treatment. 她正与瘾症作斗争,并正在寻求治疗。
- The couple's struggling relationship finally came to an end. 这对夫妇岌岌可危的关系最终结束了。
- He is struggling to overcome his fear of public speaking. 他正在努力克服对公众演讲的恐惧。
- The company is struggling to meet its sales targets for the year. 这家公司正努力实现年度销售目标。
- The struggling actress finally got her big break and landed a lead role. 这个艰难求生的女演员终于有了机会,出演了一个主角角色。
- The struggling writer's book was rejected by multiple publishers. 这位奋斗的作家的书被多家出版商拒绝了。
- Despite his struggles, he never gave up on his dreams. 尽管有困难,他从未放弃他的梦想。
- The struggles for civil rights in the 1960s were a turning point in American history. 20世纪60年代争取民权的斗争是美国历史上的一个转折点。