1. 禁止的,被禁的
英文释义:prohibited, not allowed
- Smoking is banning in all public areas.(在所有公共场所禁止吸烟。)
- The government issued a banning order on single-use plastics.(政府发布了一项禁止使用一次性塑料制品的命令。)
1. 禁止,禁令
英文释义:prohibition, prohibition order
- The banning of fireworks ensured a safe New Year's Eve celebration.(烟花禁令保证了一个安全的新年庆祝活动。)
- There is a nationwide banning on the sale of ivory products.(全国范围内禁止销售象牙制品。)
Banning, Prohibition, Ban
1. Banning强调的是对某物或行为的全面禁止或取缔,通常是由政府、法律或组织发起的。例如:the banning of smoking in public areas(在公共场所禁止吸烟)。
2. Prohibition一词更常用于指定特定的禁止状态或法律规定,特别是涉及涉及酒精、毒品等方面的禁令。例如:the prohibition of alcohol sales to minors(禁止向未成年人出售酒精)。
3. Ban可以作为名词或动词使用,强调的是某一物品、行为或活动的正式禁止,可以由组织、机构或个人发起。例如:a ban on plastic bags(对塑料袋的禁令)。
1. banning order
英文释义:a court order that prohibits a person from doing something
- The judge issued a banning order preventing the stalker from contacting his victim.(法官发布了一项禁令,禁止骚扰者与受害人联系。)
- The government imposed a banning order on the sale of firearms.(政府对枪支销售实施了禁令。)
2. blanket ban
英文释义:a complete and total ban on something
- The school implemented a blanket ban on cell phones during class hours.(学校在上课时间全面禁止使用手机。)
- The government announced a blanket ban on all flights from the affected region.(政府宣布对受影响地区的所有航班实施全面禁令。)
prohibition, prohibition order, embargo, restriction, forbiddance, proscription, interdiction, disallowance
permission, allowance, authorization, consent
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
banning (noun)
the act or an instance of prohibiting or forbidding
- The banning of smoking in public places has become increasingly common.(在公共场所禁止吸烟的现象越来越普遍。)
- The government implemented a banning on the use of single-use plastics.(政府实施了对一次性塑料制品的禁令。)
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
banning (noun)
the action of officially or legally prohibiting something
- The banning of ivory trade has contributed to the protection of endangered species.(禁止象牙贸易有助于保护濒危物种。)
- The banning of offensive language in the workplace is necessary to maintain a respectful environment.(在工作场所禁止冒犯性语言对于维护尊重的环境是必要的。)
1. banning of
- The banning of plastic bags has reduced environmental pollution.(禁止使用塑料袋减少了环境污染。)
- The banning of smoking in restaurants has improved the air quality.(在餐馆禁止吸烟改善了空气质量。)
2. banning order on
- The court issued a banning order on the stalker to protect the victim.(法院对骚扰者发布了禁令,以保护受害人。)
- The government imposed a banning order on the sale of certain medications.(政府对某些药物的销售实施了禁令。)
- The banning of smoking in public places has greatly improved the air quality.(在公共场所禁止吸烟大大改善了空气质量。)
- The government announced a blanket ban on single-use plastics.(政府宣布全面禁止一次性塑料制品。)
- The banning of fireworks during dry seasons is necessary to prevent wildfires.(在干旱季节禁止燃放烟花有助于预防野火的发生。)
- The city council passed a banning order on street vendors in certain areas.(市议会通过了对特定地区街头摊贩的禁令。)
- The banning of genetically modified crops has sparked a debate among farmers.(对转基因作物的禁止引发了农民之间的争议。)
- There is a nationwide banning on the sale of ivory products.(全国范围内禁止销售象牙制品。)
- The school implemented a strict banning of mobile phones during school hours.(学校在上课时间严格禁止使用手机。)
- A banning order was issued against the company for violating environmental regulations.(对该公司违反环境法规发布了禁令。)
- The government introduced a banning on the use of single-use plastic straws.(政府对一次性塑料吸管的使用实施了禁令。)
- The banning of certain books in schools has raised concerns about censorship.(在学校禁止某些书籍引发了对审查制度的担忧。)
- The court issued a banning order on the abusive spouse to protect the victim.(法院对虐待配偶发布了禁令,以保护受害人。)
- The banning of single-use plastic bags has led to an increase in the use of reusable bags.(禁止使用一次性塑料袋导致可重复使用袋子的使用增加。)
- The government imposed a banning on the export of certain natural resources.(政府对某些自然资源的出口实施了禁令。)
- The banning of offensive language in the workplace promotes a respectful environment.(在工作场所禁止冒犯性语言有助于营造尊重的环境。)
- The banning of performance-enhancing drugs in sports is essential to maintain fairness.(在体育竞技中禁止使用提高表现的药物对于维护公平至关重要。)
- The government introduced a banning order on the use of certain pesticides.(政府对某些农药的使用实施了禁令。)
- The banning of large gatherings during the pandemic aims to control the spread of the virus.(在疫情期间禁止大型聚会旨在控制病毒传播。)
- There is an ongoing debate about the banning of plastic water bottles.(关于禁止塑料水瓶的问题一直存在争议。)
- The government is considering a banning order on the sale of sugary drinks in schools.(政府正在考虑禁止在学校销售含糖饮料。)
- The banning of child labor has been a significant achievement in improving human rights.(禁止童工是在改善人权方面取得的重大成就。)
- A banning order was imposed on the company for its involvement in illegal activities.(由于参与非法活动,对该公司实施了禁令。)