“gutted” 中英翻译介绍
1. 形容词:gutted
英文翻译:disappointed, devastated, extremely sad, very dejected
“gutted” 是一个形容词,用来描述某人因为遭到打击、失去某物或无法实现自己的期望而感到非常失望、沮丧和悲伤的情绪。与 "gutted" 含义相近的词语有 "disappointed"、"devastated"、"dejected" 等,但 "gutted" 通常表达的情感更加强烈和深刻。
一些与 "gutted" 相关的词汇扩充:
- utterly devastated 完全崩溃的
- heartbroken 伤心欲绝的
- crushed 压垮的,精神崩溃的
- shattered 粉碎的,心力交瘁的
- despondent 绝望的,失去勇气的
- crestfallen 垂头丧气的,失望的
- inconsolable 无法安慰的,悲痛欲绝的
- forlorn 孤独的,凄凉的
- disheartened 气馁的,泄气的
- broken-hearted 心碎的,伤心的
- disappointed 失望的
- devastated 极度悲伤的
- dejected 沮丧的
- crestfallen 垂头丧气的
- heartbroken 伤心的
- delighted 高兴的
- elated 兴高采烈的
- content 满意的
- satisfied 满足的
2. 名词:gutted
作为名词,"gutted" 指的是拆除或剥去建筑物或动物的内部部分,通常是指剥去内脏。这一含义与形容词 "gutted" 的意义不同,但两者的词源相同。
3. 柯林斯词典解释
If you are gutted, you are extremely disappointed or upset.
Gutting is the process of removing the internal organs from a dead animal in preparation for eating it.
4. 牛津词典解释
Very disappointed and unhappy.
The process of removing the intestines and other internal organs from a fish or an animal before cooking it.
“gutted” 中英双语例句
- I'm absolutely gutted that I didn't get the job.
我对没能得到那份工作感到非常失望。 - She was gutted when her favorite team lost the championship.
当她最喜欢的球队输掉冠军时,她感到非常失望。 - He felt gutted after his best friend betrayed him.
在他最好的朋友背叛他之后,他感到非常沮丧。 - They were gutted by the news of their house being destroyed in the fire.
他们得知他们的房子在火灾中被毁后感到非常悲伤。 - The team was gutted by injuries and couldn't perform at their best.
由于伤病,这支球队状态非常低迷,无法发挥出最佳水平。 - After losing the match, he was gutted and couldn't stop crying.
在比赛中输了后,他感到非常失望,止不住地哭了起来。 - The gutting of fish is a delicate task that requires skill and precision.
剥鱼内脏是一项需要技巧和精确度的细致工作。 - They hired a professional to do the gutting of the old building.
他们雇了一名专业人员来拆除那座旧建筑的内部。 - He couldn't bear to watch the gutting of the animal at the slaughterhouse.
他无法忍受在屠宰场看到动物的内脏被剥离的场面。 - She learned the art of gutting a fish from her grandfather.
她向祖父学习了如何剖鱼的技巧。 - The gutted house stood as a reminder of the devastating fire.
那座被烧毁的房子成为了一场灾难的提醒。 - He was gutted when he discovered his car had been stolen.
当他发现他的车被盗时,他感到非常失望。 - She was absolutely gutted by the rejection letter from her dream university.
她对梦寐以求的大学的拒绝信感到彻底的失望。 - The gutted fish is ready to be cooked and served.
已经剖好内脏的鱼可以准备烹饪和上桌了。 - The gutted building was demolished to make way for a new development.
被拆除内部的建筑为新的开发项目腾出了空地。 - She felt gutted when she found out her favorite book had been lost.
当她发现她最喜欢的书丢失了时,她感到非常沮丧。 - After the gutting process, the meat is ready for cooking.
经过剖腹内脏的过程,肉类已经可以准备烹饪了。 - The gutted animal was cleaned and prepared for consumption.
被剥去内脏的动物已经被清洁并准备好食用。 - He was gutted to hear that his favorite band had canceled their concert.
听说他最喜欢的乐队取消了音乐会,他感到非常失望。 - She felt gutted after failing the exam she had studied so hard for.