1. 染色的;有色的
1. 染色
2. 污渍
3. 着色剂
1. stainable:可染色的
2. unstained:未染色的
3. staining agent:染色剂
discoloration, tint, coloration
bleaching, decolorization
1. the process of applying a stain to something
2. a discolored patch or streak
1. causing or marked by discoloration
1. the process of applying a stain to something
2. a patch or discoloration caused by a stain
1. causing or marked by discoloration
1. They used a staining technique to highlight the different cell structures. (他们使用了染色技术来突出不同的细胞结构。)
2. The red wine left a staining on the white tablecloth. (红酒在白色桌布上留下了污渍。)
3. The staining agent penetrated deep into the wood, giving it a rich color. (染色剂渗透到木材深处,使其呈现出丰富的颜色。)
4. The staining of the teeth is caused by excessive consumption of coffee. (牙齿的染色是由于过度饮用咖啡造成的。)
- After the picnic, the grass stains on her pants were difficult to remove. (野餐过后,她裤子上的草渍很难清除。)
- The staining on the wall revealed a water leak. (墙上的污渍暴露了一处漏水。)
- He used a staining technique to create a vintage effect on the furniture. (他使用染色技术在家具上营造出复古效果。)
- The staining of the wood gave it a rustic appearance. (木材的染色使其呈现出乡村风格的外观。)
- The scientist used a staining agent to visualize the cells under the microscope. (科学家使用染色剂在显微镜下观察细胞。)
- The coffee stain on her shirt was stubborn and wouldn't come out. (她衬衫上的咖啡渍很顽固,无法去除。)
- The staining of the fabric gave it a unique pattern. (织物的染色使其呈现出独特的图案。)
- The dentist recommended a teeth whitening treatment to remove the staining caused by smoking. (牙医建议进行牙齿美白治疗,以去除吸烟导致的染色。)
- The artist used different staining techniques to create depth in the painting. (艺术家使用不同的染色技术在画作中创造层次感。)
- The staining of the floor revealed the presence of a hidden spill. (地板上的污渍暴露了隐藏的溢出物。)
- The fabric is resistant to staining, making it easy to clean. (这种面料不易染色,容易清洁。)
- The staining of the glass gave it a beautiful, vibrant color. (玻璃的染色使其呈现出美丽而鲜艳的颜色。)
- They used a staining technique to differentiate between healthy and diseased cells. (他们使用染色技术区分健康细胞和病态细胞。)
- The staining on the carpet required professional cleaning to be fully removed. (地毯上的污渍需要专业清洁才能完全清除。)
- The staining of the woodwork enhanced its natural beauty. (木制品的染色增强了其自然美。)
- The dentist recommended regular brushing to prevent staining of the teeth. (牙医建议定期刷牙以防止牙齿染色。)
- The staining of the concrete floor made it look dirty and old. (混凝土地板的染色使其看起来脏兮兮的、陈旧。)
- She accidentally spilled red wine, causing staining on the tablecloth. (她不小心溅了红酒,导致桌布上有污渍。)
- The staining of the fabric was intentional, giving it a vintage look. (面料的染色是故意的,使其呈现出复古的外观。)
- The staining of the wood brought out the natural grain and texture. (木材的染色突出了其天然的纹理和质感。)
- The use of a staining agent helped highlight the details in the artwork. (使用染色剂有助于突出艺术作品中的细节。)