bully [ˈbʊli]
- 1. 恶霸的;凶恶的
- 1. 恶霸;欺凌弱小者者
- 1. bully与tyrant的区别:bully指的是在小范围内欺凌他人的人,而tyrant则是指在更大范围内对人进行残酷统治的人。
- 2. bully与intimidator的区别:bully强调的是通过威胁和恐吓来欺凌他人,而intimidator则更侧重于通过恐吓来使他人害怕。
- 1. bullying:恶霸行为,欺凌
- 2. bully pulpit:权势高位,借助权势说服他人的位置或平台
- 3. bullyrag:威吓;恐吓
- 1. oppressor:压迫者
- 2. persecutor:迫害者
- 3. tormentor:折磨者
- 1. defender:保护者
- 2. protector:护卫者
bully [ˈbʊli]
- 1. Someone who is bully is cruel to other people, especially people who are weaker or have less power than they have.
- 2. Bully is used to describe things such as offers or prices that are very attractive.
- 1. A bully is someone who often hurts, threatens, or frightens other people, especially people who are smaller or weaker than they are.
- 1. He was a bully who used to terrorize the younger boys.
- 2. The bully in the playground was twice his size.
- 3. He was branded a bully by his opponent.
bully [ˈbʊli]
- 1. A bully person deliberately tries to frighten or hurt people who are weaker than they are.
- 2. A bully offer, price, or product is very attractive.
- 1. A bully is someone who often hurts or threatens other people, especially people who are smaller or weaker than they are.
- 1. Her son is a bully and needs to be disciplined.
- 2. He was picked on by the class bully.
- 3. The government is using its bully pulpit to push for political change.
- He was known to be a bully in school. 他在学校里以恶霸著称。
- The bully threatened him with violence if he didn't give him money. 这个恶霸威胁他如果不给他钱就动手打他。
- She stood up to the bully and defended her friend. 她勇敢地对抗那个恶霸,并保护她的朋友。
- The bully took advantage of his strength to intimidate others. 这个恶霸利用自己的力量恐吓他人。
- Don't let the bully get away with his behavior. 不要让这个恶霸逍遥法外。
- He was accused of being a bully and was suspended from school. 他被指控是个恶霸,被停学处理。
- She refused to be intimidated by the bully. 她拒绝被这个恶霸吓倒。
- The bully targeted the weaker students in the class. 这个恶霸以弱势学生为目标。
- He was labeled as a bully by his classmates. 他被同学们贴上了恶霸的标签。
- The bully was finally expelled from school. 那个恶霸最终被开除出学校。
- The bully's behavior was reported to the school authorities. 学校当局接到了有关这个恶霸行为的举报。
- The bully made fun of him in front of the whole class. 那个恶霸当着全班人的面取笑他。
- She stood up against the school bully and defended her friends. 她勇敢地对抗那个学校的恶霸,并保护她的朋友们。
- The bully's behavior was a clear violation of the school's anti-bullying policy. 这个恶霸的行为明显违反了学校的反欺凌政策。
- He used his position of power as a bully pulpit to advocate for change. 他利用自己作为权威人士的地位来倡导改变。
- The bully was finally confronted and had to face the consequences of his actions. 那个恶霸最终被迫面对自己行为的后果。
- The teacher intervened to protect the student from the bully. 老师介入保护学生免受恶霸的伤害。
- He was determined not to be a victim of the bully's intimidation tactics. 他决心不做那个恶霸恐吓策略的受害者。
- The bully's reign of terror finally came to an end when he was expelled from school. 那个恶霸的恐怖统治终于在他被开除出学校时结束了。
- The school organized an anti-bullying campaign to raise awareness about the issue. 学校组织了一场反欺凌活动,以提高对这个问题的认识。
- She mustered up the courage to stand up to the bully and defend herself. 她鼓起勇气对抗那个恶霸并保护自己。