1. 极好的;卓越的(表示赞美)
2. 壮丽的;豪华的(形容事物外观或品质)
3. 精湛的;极为出色的(形容技巧、表演等)
4. 高傲的;自大的(表示负面情绪)
1. 卓越;极好的事物
2. 顶级的表演或演出
- excellent:意为“优秀的”,强调在特定领域或方面的卓越性。
- outstanding:意为“杰出的”,强调在一系列事物中显著突出的品质。
- magnificent:意为“壮丽的”,强调事物的宏伟和庄严。
- splendid:意为“辉煌的”,强调事物的华丽和壮观。
- superbly(副词):以极高的水平;出色地
- superber(比较级):更出色的
- superbest(最高级):最出色的
- excellent, outstanding, magnificent, splendid, magnificent, terrific, wonderful
- terrible, awful, poor, mediocre
superb (adj.)
1. If you say that something is superb, you mean that it is very good indeed.
2. Something that is superb is very impressive or of very high quality.
3. If you describe someone's attitude or skills as superb, you approve of them because they are very good, for example in a sport or profession.
superbly (adv.)
Something that is done superbly is done extremely well.
superb (adj.)
1. Excellent; of the highest quality.
2. Magnificent; very beautiful.
3. (of a person or their manner) Confident and admirable.
superbly (adv.)
To an extremely high standard; excellently.
1. The view from the top of the mountain was superb.
2. They did a superb job of decorating the house for the party.
3. The pianist played the sonata superbly.
- The concert was a superb success and received standing ovations.(音乐会取得了极大的成功,并获得了起立鼓掌。)
- The chef prepared a superb meal that delighted all the guests.(厨师准备了一顿令所有客人都满意的美食。)
- She has a superb command of the English language.(她精通英语。)
- The castle is known for its superb architecture and intricate details.(这座城堡以其卓越的建筑和复杂的细节而闻名。)
- The actress gave a superb performance that left the audience in awe.(这位女演员的表演令观众惊叹不已。)
- The hotel offers superb views of the ocean from every room.(这家酒店提供每间客房都拥有令人赞叹的海景。)
- He played the piano superbly, captivating the audience with his skill.(他钢琴演奏得出神入化,以其技艺征服了观众。)
- The team showed superb teamwork, leading them to victory.(这个团队展示出了卓越的团队合作精神,带领他们取得了胜利。)
- Her gown was absolutely superb, with intricate beadwork and luxurious fabric.(她的礼服绝对华丽,饰有精细的珠饰和豪华的面料。)
- The documentary showcased the superb beauty of the natural landscape.(这部纪录片展示了自然风光的绝佳之美。)
- His superb knowledge of history impressed the professor.(他对历史的卓越知识给教授留下了深刻的印象。)
- Despite the difficult conditions, the team performed superbly and finished the race.(尽管条件艰苦,但团队表现出色,完成了比赛。)
- The artist's superb brushwork brought the painting to life.(艺术家精湛的笔触使画作栩栩如生。)
- She has a superb singing voice that mesmerizes the audience.(她拥有一副令人着迷的出色嗓音,让观众为之倾倒。)
- The hotel offers a superb range of amenities for its guests.(这家酒店为客人提供了一系列出色的设施。)
- His superb craftsmanship is evident in every piece of furniture he creates.(他每一件家具中都体现出他精湛的工艺。)
- The team executed the play superbly, impressing the audience with their talent.(这个团队出色地执行了这个剧目,用他们的才华给观众留下了深刻印象。)
- Her superb organizational skills ensured that the event ran smoothly.(她出色的组织能力确保活动顺利进行。)
- The athlete's superb speed allowed him to break the world record.(运动员出色的速度使他打破了世界纪录。)
- His superb sense of humor always lightens the mood in the room.(他出色的幽默感总是能让房间里的气氛轻松起来。)
- The film received superb reviews from critics, praising its direction and performances.(这部电影受到评论家的极高评价,称赞其导演和表演。)
- The designer's superb attention to detail is evident in every piece of clothing.(设计师对细节的出色关注在每件服装中都能看出。)