1. 无畏的;勇敢的 【例句】He is a fearless firefighter who always puts his life on the line to save others.(他是一位无畏的消防员,总是冒着生命危险去拯救他人。) 【例句】She gave a fearless speech, challenging the authority and demanding justice.(她发表了一篇毫不畏惧的演讲,对权威进行了挑战,并要求公正。) 2. 无惧的;不害怕的 【例句】The fearless child climbed to the top of the tree without hesitation.(那个无惧的孩子毫不犹豫地爬到了树顶。) 【例句】Despite the danger, the fearless explorer ventured into the uncharted territory.(尽管危险重重,那位无畏的探险家还是冒险进入了未知的区域。)名词
1. 无畏者;勇士 【例句】The fearless faced many challenges during the war, but never backed down.(这些勇士在战争中面临许多挑战,但从未退缩。) 【例句】She was regarded as a fearless for her fearless actions and unwavering determination.(因为她无所畏惧的行动和坚定的决心,她被视为一位无畏者。)词语辨析
无畏(名词):fearlessness 无畏地(副词):fearlessly 勇敢(名词):bravery 勇敢的(形容词):brave, courageous 勇敢地(副词):bravely, courageously近义词
形容词 1. Someone who is fearless is not afraid or worried about anything. 【例句】He was a fearless warrior, always ready to face the enemy.(他是一位无畏的战士,总是准备好面对敌人。) 2. If you describe someone as fearless, you mean that they are not afraid at all, and you admire them for this. 【例句】She was a fearless campaigner for justice.(她是一位为正义而无畏奋斗的人。)牛津词典
形容词 Without fear; not afraid. 【例句】She gave a fearless account of her experiences.(她毫不畏惧地叙述了她的经历。) 【例句】The fearless climber scaled the mountain with ease.(这位无畏的登山者轻松地攀登了这座山。)用法
- She is a fearless leader, always willing to take risks and stand up for what she believes is right.(她是一位无畏的领导者,总是愿意冒险并坚持自己认为正确的事情。)
- The fearless journalist reported from war zones, bringing the truth to the world.(那位无畏的记者从战区报导,将真相带给了世界。)
- He faced his fear of heights and went skydiving, proving himself to be fearless.(他面对自己的恐高症去跳伞,证明了自己是无畏的。)
- The fearless explorer ventured into the deep jungle, discovering new species along the way.(这位无畏的探险家冒险进入了深林,途中发现了新物种。)
- Despite the danger, the fearless firefighters rushed into the burning building to save lives.(尽管危险,这些无畏的消防员冲进燃烧的建筑物救人。)
- The fearless soldier fought bravely on the battlefield, protecting his comrades.(这位无畏的士兵在战场上勇敢战斗,保护着他的战友。)
- Her fearless attitude inspired others to overcome their fears and pursue their dreams.(她无畏的态度激励着他人克服恐惧,追求梦想。)
- They admired her fearless determination to succeed against all odds.(他们钦佩她无畏的决心,不畏困难而取得成功。)
- The fearless athlete performed a daring stunt that amazed the audience.(这位无畏的运动员完成了一次惊险的特技,令观众大为惊叹。)
- She showed a fearless disregard for authority, always questioning and challenging the status quo.(她表现出无所畏惧的对权威的漠视,总是质疑和挑战现状。)
- The fearless detective pursued the criminal relentlessly, never giving up until justice was served.(这位无畏的侦探不懈追捕罪犯,直到正义得到伸张。)
- His fearless leadership during the crisis earned him the respect and admiration of his team.(他在危机中的无畏领导赢得了团队的尊敬和钦佩。)
- She faced her fears head-on and gave a fearless presentation in front of a large audience.(她直面自己的恐惧,在众多观众面前进行了一场无畏的演讲。)
- The fearless mountaineer conquered the treacherous peak, proving that nothing is impossible.(这位无畏的登山者征服了危险的山峰,证明了一切皆有可能。)
- His fearless actions in the face of danger saved many lives and made him a hero.(他在危险面前的无畏行动挽救了许多生命,使他成为英雄。)
- The fearless teacher encouraged her students to take risks and think outside the box.(这位无畏的教师鼓励她的学生冒险并打破思维定式。)
- They followed the fearless leader into battle, knowing that he would never lead them astray.(他们跟随这位无畏的领袖进入战斗,知道他永远不会引导他们走错方向。)
- His fearless pursuit of justice led to the exposure of a corrupt system.(他对正义的无畏追求导致了腐败体系的曝光。)
- The fearless journalist risked her life to uncover the truth and bring it to light.(这位无畏的记者冒着生命危险揭露真相并将其公之于众。)
- They admired her fearless approach to challenges, always facing them head-on.(他们羡慕她面对挑战的无畏态度,总是毫不畏惧地去面对。)
- Despite his young age, he displayed a fearless determination to succeed in his chosen field.(尽管他年纪轻轻,但他表现出了在自己选择的领域取得成功的无畏决心。)