admonishing: 警告的,告诫的admonitory: 劝告的,警告的,训诫的
admonishment: 告诫,警告admonition: 警告,告诫
warning: 警告,告诫
rebuke: 斥责,训斥
reprimand: 训斥,谴责
reproof: 责备,训斥
censure: 谴责,指责
reproach: 责备,斥责
scolding: 责骂,训斥
- admonish与warn的区别在于admonish更强调通过温和、教育性的方式提醒或告诫。 - rebuke和reprimand都表示严厉批评,但rebuke的语气更强烈,用于更正错误或不当行为;而reprimand更常用于正式场合中的指责。 - reproof、censure和reproach都表示批评和责备,但reproof更偏向于逐渐的、温和的批评;censure更偏向于公开的、严厉的批评;reproach则侧重于指责对方的错误或缺点。词汇扩充
- admonition: 警告,告诫 - admonitory: 劝告的,警告的,训诫的 - warning: 警告,告诫 - rebuke: 斥责,训斥 - reprimand: 训斥,谴责 - reproof: 责备,训斥 - censure: 谴责,指责 - reproach: 责备,斥责 - scold: 责骂,训斥近义词(Synonyms)
advise: 劝告,忠告warn: 警告,告诫
caution: 警告,告诫
remonstrate: 规劝,抗议
reprove: 责备,训斥
commend: 称赞,表扬praise: 赞美,表扬
applaud: 鼓掌,称赞
encourage: 鼓励,激励
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
admonish (v.) 1. If you admonish someone, you tell them very seriously that they have done something wrong. 2. If you admonish someone, you advise them or warn them firmly. 3. To admonish someone means to tell them that they have done something wrong. 4. If someone is admonished, they are spoken to firmly because they have done something wrong.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
admonish (v.) 1. Warn or reprimand someone firmly. 2. Advise or urge (someone) earnestly. 3. Give advice to (someone). 4. Reprimand (someone).用法
- He admonished her for littering on the street. - The teacher admonished the students to be quiet during the exam. - The parents admonished their child for not doing homework. - The boss admonished his employees for their lack of productivity. - The police officer admonished the driver for speeding. - She received an admonishment from the judge for her behavior in court.相关例句
- The teacher admonished the students for talking in class.(老师训斥学生在课堂上讲话。)
- He was admonished by his mother for being late.(他因迟到而受到了母亲的训斥。)
- The coach admonished the players for their lack of effort.(教练因队员们缺乏努力而训斥了他们。)
- The boss admonished his employees for their poor performance.(老板因员工们表现不佳而训斥他们。)
- She received an admonishment from her supervisor for her repeated mistakes.(她因一再犯错而受到主管的训斥。)
- He admonished his friend not to make the same mistake.(他劝告他的朋友不要犯同样的错误。)
- The police officer admonished the driver for running a red light.(警察因司机闯红灯而训斥他。)
- The judge admonished the witness for providing false information.(法官训斥证人提供虚假信息。)
- She admonished her children to always be honest.(她告诫自己的孩子要始终保持诚实。)
- He was admonished by his doctor to quit smoking.(医生警告他戒烟。)
- His parents admonished him about the dangers of crossing the road without looking.(他的父母警告他在过马路时不看路况的危险性。)
- The company CEO admonished the employees to work harder to meet the targets.(公司首席执行官告诫员工们要更加努力工作以达到目标。)
- She was admonished by her supervisor for being late to the meeting.(她因迟到会议而受到主管的训斥。)
- The teacher admonished the students to study for the upcoming exam.(老师告诫学生们要为即将到来的考试做好准备。)
- The parents admonished their child not to talk to strangers.(父母告诫他们的孩子不要和陌生人说话。)
- He was admonished by his coach to improve his performance on the field.(教练训斥他在球场上的表现要提高。)
- The boss admonished his employees to be more punctual.(老板训斥员工们要更加准时。)
- She received an admonishment from her teacher for not completing her homework.(她因没有完成作业而受到老师的训斥。)
- The police officer admonished the pedestrian for jaywalking.(警察训斥行人乱穿马路。)
- The judge admonished the lawyer for making inappropriate remarks in court.(法官训斥律师在法庭上发表不当言论。)