- 形容词含义:着火的;燃烧的;闪耀的;激昂的
- 词语辨析:ablaze、afire、aflame这三个词在描述火焰时有相似的含义,但ablaze更常用于修饰火焰的状态;另外,ablaze还可以表示“热情洋溢的”、“闪耀的”等含义。
- 词汇扩充:alight、burning、ignited、on fire、blazing、flaming、enflamed
- 近义词:afire、aflame、burning、on fire、blazing、flaming、enflamed
- 反义词:extinguished、dull、unlit
- 名词含义:火焰;闪光;热情
- 词语辨析:ablaze作为名词时,主要指火焰或闪光的状态,也可表示强烈的热情。
ablaze [ə’bleɪz] 形容词
- If something is ablaze, it is burning very fiercely.
- If a place is ablaze with lights or colours, it is very bright or colourful.
- If a person or their face is ablaze with an emotion, it is very obvious that they are experiencing that emotion very strongly.
ablaze [ə’bleɪz] 副词
- If a building or vehicle is set ablaze or if it is set ablaze, it is set on fire.
ablaze [ə’bleɪz] 名词
- If something is ablaze, it is burning very fiercely.
ablaze [ə’bleɪz] 形容词
- Burning fiercely.
- Brightly coloured or lit up.
ablaze [ə’bleɪz] 副词
- (literary) On fire.
- The building was set ablaze by the fire.
- The sky was ablaze with fireworks.
- Her eyes were ablaze with anger.
- The forest was ablaze.
- The building was ablaze within seconds.
- The house was ablaze when the firefighters arrived. 这所房屋在消防员到达时已经起火。
- The sky was ablaze with the colors of the setting sun. 天空因夕阳的色彩而灿烂夺目。
- Her face was ablaze with excitement as she opened the gift. 她兴奋地打开礼物,脸上洋溢着喜悦。
- The protesters set several cars ablaze during the demonstration. 抗议者在示威期间纵火烧毁了几辆汽车。
- The forest was ablaze with flames. 森林被大火吞噬。
- The entire building was ablaze within minutes. 整栋建筑在几分钟内就彻底燃烧起来了。
- The room was ablaze with bright lights. 房间里灯火通明。
- The fields were ablaze with the colors of wildflowers. 野花的色彩使田野变得五光十色。
- The news set the internet ablaze with speculation. 这则消息引发了网上关于种种猜测的热议。
- The children's faces were ablaze with excitement. 孩子们兴奋得脸红扑扑的。
- The enemy camp was set ablaze during the night raid. 敌营在夜袭中被纵火烧毁。
- The forest fire was ablaze for days. 森林大火燃烧了几天。
- The city skyline was ablaze with lights. 城市天际线上灯火辉煌。
- His eyes were ablaze with determination. 他的眼中闪烁着决心。
- The mountain was ablaze with autumn colors. 山上满目秋色。
- The crowd erupted, their cheers ablaze with joy. 人群爆发出欢呼声,他们的欢呼洋溢着喜悦。
- The entire hillside was ablaze, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. 整个山坡都燃烧起来,形成了一幅令人着迷的景象。
- The old building was set ablaze to make way for a new development. 为了进行新的开发,这座老建筑被纵火烧毁。
- The mountain range was ablaze with the colors of autumn. 山脉的秋色如火如荼。
- The bonfire was ablaze, sending sparks into the night sky. 篝火熊熊燃烧,将火星冲向夜空。
- The city was ablaze with excitement during the festival. 在节日期间,整个城市洋溢着兴奋的气氛。