1. 愤怒的;愤慨的
outrageous (形容词):极度愤怒的;令人震惊的
outrageously (副词):极度地;可耻地
outrage (动词):激怒;冒犯
- indignant:愤怒的
- enraged:愤怒的
- incensed:愤怒的
- infuriated:激怒的
- pleased:满意的
- satisfied:满意的
- contented:满意的
1. 愤怒;愤慨
- anger:愤怒
- outrageousness:可耻;暴行
- rage:愤怒
1. If you are outraged by something, it makes you extremely angry and shocked. (British English)
2. If you are outraged by something, it makes you extremely angry and shocked. (American English)
1. Outrage is strong and very angry protest by people who feel that they have been treated in an unfair, cruel, or unacceptable way. (British English)
2. Outrage is strong and very angry protest by people who feel that they have been treated in an unfair, cruel, or unacceptable way. (American English)
1. Aroused intense anger, shock, or indignation. (British English)
2. Aroused intense anger, shock, or indignation. (North American English)
1. An extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation. (British English)
2. An extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation. (North American English)
- She was outraged by the decision to close the local hospital. (她对关闭当地医院的决定感到愤怒。)
- He was outraged at the way he had been treated. (他对自己受到的对待感到愤怒。)
- People are outraged that no one has been brought to justice. (人们对没有人受到法律制裁感到愤慨。)
- Her speech provoked a storm of outrage. (她的演讲引发了一片愤怒的声浪。)
- The decision was met with outrage from the local community. (这个决定遭到了当地社区的愤怒抗议。)
- The company's actions have caused widespread outrage. (公司的行为引起了广泛的愤怒。)
- She was outraged by the way she had been treated. (她对自己受到的待遇感到愤怒。)
- He was outraged at the injustice of the situation. (他对这种不公正的情况感到愤怒。)
- The protesters were outraged by the government's decision. (抗议者对政府的决定感到愤怒。)
- The article caused public outrage and calls for action. (这篇文章引起了公众的愤怒和行动呼吁。)
- The outrage over the scandal led to the resignation of several high-ranking officials. (对这一丑闻的愤怒导致了几位高级官员的辞职。)
- His remarks sparked a wave of outrage among the audience. (他的言论引发了观众中的一阵愤怒。)
- Many people were outraged by the company's unethical practices. (许多人对公司的不道德行为感到愤慨。)
- The community expressed its outrage at the proposed development project. (社区对拟议的开发项目表示愤慨。)
- She voiced her outrage at the government's failure to address the issue. (她对政府未能解决这个问题表示愤怒。)
- There was widespread outrage when the truth was revealed. (真相曝光时引起了广泛的愤怒。)
- The decision to cut funding for education caused public outrage. (削减教育经费的决定引起了公众的愤怒。)
- The outraged parents demanded an explanation from the school. (愤怒的家长要求学校给出解释。)
- He was outraged by the lies and deception. (他对谎言和欺骗感到愤怒。)
- The animal rights activists were outraged by the cruel treatment of animals in the circus. (动物权益活动人士对马戏团中对动物的残忍对待感到愤慨。)
- The government's decision to raise taxes caused widespread outrage among the population. (政府决定提高税收引起了人民的广泛愤慨。)
- The outraged citizens took to the streets to protest against the corrupt politicians. (愤怒的公民走上街头抗议腐败的政治家。)
- The company's outrageous behavior led to a boycott by consumers. (公司的可耻行为导致了消费者的抵制。)
- They were outraged at the unfair treatment of the workers. (他们对工人受到的不公正待遇感到愤怒。)
- The news of the scandal caused public outrage and demands for justice. (这一丑闻的消息引起了公众的愤慨和对正义的要求。)
- The mayor's decision to cut funding for schools was met with outrage from parents and teachers. (市长决定削减学校经费引起了家长和教师的愤怒。)
- Her outrageous behavior at the party shocked everyone. (她在聚会上的可耻行为让大家都感到震惊。)