单词: waff词性: 名词、形容词
发音: [wæf]
词源: 20世纪初源于英语方言,可能与“waffle”一词有关
1. 含糊的;模糊的
The instructions were waff and difficult to follow. (这些指示含糊不清,难以理解。)
His answers were waff and did not provide any useful information. (他的回答模棱两可,没有提供任何有用的信息。)
2. 胡扯的;说大话的
Don't listen to him, he's just waffing. (别听他的,他只是在胡说。)
He kept waffing about his achievements, but nobody believed him. (他一直吹嘘他的成就,但没人相信他。)
1. 煎饼;华夫饼
She ordered a plate of waff for breakfast. (她点了一份华夫饼作为早餐。)
He likes to eat waff with maple syrup. (他喜欢在华夫饼上加枫糖浆。)
- waffle:煎饼;华夫饼
- waffler:吹毛求疵的人;犹豫不决的人
- waffling:胡扯;闪烁其词
- unclear:不清楚的
- vague:模糊的
- ambiguous:含糊不清的
- pancake:煎饼
- waffle:华夫饼
- clear:清晰的
- precise:准确的
- explicit:明确的
- clarity:清晰度
- precision:准确性
- explicitness:明确性
waff (noun)
1. a pancake or waffle
2. talking nonsense; speaking boastfully
waff (adjective)
1. vague; unclear
2. talking nonsense; speaking boastfully
waff (noun)
1. (British) A pancake or waffle.
2. (informal) Nonsense or triviality.
waff (adjective)
1. (informal) Lacking in substance; vague or trivial.
2. (informal) Talking or writing nonsense.
1. 作为形容词,"waff"常用于口语和非正式场合,表示含糊不清的、模糊的或胡扯的。
2. 作为名词,"waff"可以指煎饼或华夫饼,也可以表示胡扯或闲聊。
1. The instructions were waff and difficult to follow. (这些指示含糊不清,难以理解。)
2. His answers were waff and did not provide any useful information. (他的回答模棱两可,没有提供任何有用的信息。)
3. Don't listen to him, he's just waffing. (别听他的,他只是在胡说。)
4. He kept waffing about his achievements, but nobody believed him. (他一直吹嘘他的成就,但没人相信他。)
5. She ordered a plate of waff for breakfast. (她点了一份华夫饼作为早餐。)
6. He likes to eat waff with maple syrup. (他喜欢在华夫饼上加枫糖浆。)
7. The politician's speech was full of waff and lacked substance. (那位政治家的演讲充满了废话,缺乏实质性内容。)
8. The article was just a lot of waff, without any real information. (这篇文章只是一堆废话,没有任何真实信息。)
9. The meeting was filled with waff and didn't accomplish anything. (会议充满了胡扯,没有取得任何成果。)
10. His waffing about his qualifications didn't impress the interviewer. (他在面试时吹嘘自己的资历并没有给面试官留下好印象。)
11. The candidate's speech was clear and concise, without any waff. (这位候选人的演讲清晰简明,没有任何废话。)
12. The report provided explicit details without any waff. (这份报告提供了明确的细节,没有任何废话。)
13. She always waffles when asked direct questions. (每当被问到直接问题时,她总是闪烁其词。)
14. The professor's lecture was full of waffle and didn't provide any useful information. (教授的讲座充满了胡说八道,没有提供任何有用的信息。)
15. The book's introduction was waffling and didn't give a clear idea of what the book was about. (这本书的介绍闪烁其词,没有清楚地说明这本书讲的是什么。)
16. The politician waffled on the issue, not taking a clear stance. (那位政治家在这个问题上闪烁其词,没有明确表态。)
17. The chef served a plate of delicious waffles for dessert. (厨师上了一盘美味的华夫饼做甜点。)
18. We had waffles with strawberries and whipped cream for brunch. (我们在早午餐时吃了草莓和奶油华夫饼。)
19. The children enjoyed making waffles with their parents on Sunday mornings. (孩子们喜欢在周日早上和父母一起做华夫饼。)
20. He often waffles on important decisions, making it difficult to move forward. (他经常对重要决定犹豫不决,使得进展变得困难。)