形容词 (Adjective)
wafer-like [ˈweɪfər-laɪk]- 薄如蝉翼的;像薄饼的
名词 (Noun)
1. wafers [ˈweɪfərz]- 薄饼干;薄片状食品
2. wafer [ˈweɪfər]
- 圆片;晶片;薄片
- 圆片状的物品;晶体管片
- 圣餐圆片(天主教徒的圣餐用薄饼)
- wafers and biscuits:饼干和薄饼干的区别在于饼干一般厚度较大,而薄饼干非常薄。 - wafers and chips:wafer通常指的是圆片状的物品,如晶片或薄片,而chips一般指的是薄片状的食品。词汇扩充
- chocolate wafers:巧克力薄饼干 - vanilla wafers:香草薄饼干 - rice wafers:米饼 - sugar wafers:糖薄饼干 - wafer cone:薄饼筒近义词 (Synonyms)
- biscuits - cookies - crackers反义词 (Antonyms)
- thick biscuits - chunky cookies柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
wafer [ˈweɪfər]noun
1. A wafer is a thin, crisp biscuit. It is often eaten with ice cream.
薄饼干:薄脆的饼干,通常与冰淇淋一起食用。 2. A wafer is a thin, round piece of something such as silicon, which is used in electronic devices.
圆片:薄而圆的硅片等物体,用于电子设备。 3. In the Roman Catholic Church, the wafer is the piece of bread that is used in the Christian ceremony of Communion.
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
wafer [ˈweɪfər]noun
1. A thin, crisp, and often sweetened biscuit.
薄饼干:薄而脆,通常加糖的饼干。 2. A thin disk of unleavened bread used in the Eucharist, especially in the Roman Catholic Church.
用法 (Usage)
- Would you like some chocolate wafers with your coffee?你想要一些巧克力薄饼干吗? - The electronic device requires a wafer made of silicon.
这个电子设备需要一块硅制的圆片。 - The priest distributed the wafers to the congregation during the Communion.
例句 (Example Sentences)
- We snacked on vanilla wafers while watching a movie. (我们一边看电影一边吃香草薄饼干。)
- She bought a box of chocolate wafers to share with her friends. (她买了一盒巧克力薄饼干和朋友们分享。)
- The microchips are produced on silicon wafers. (这些微芯片是在硅片上生产的。)
- The wafer cone was filled with delicious ice cream. (薄饼筒里装满了美味的冰淇淋。)
- During the Catholic Mass, the priest handed out wafers to the worshippers. (在天主教弥撒中,牧师将圣餐圆片分发给信徒。)
- She placed a wafer on her tongue and let it dissolve slowly. (她把一块圣餐圆片放在舌头上,让它慢慢溶化。)
- The wafer-thin biscuits were delicate and crispy. (这些薄如蝉翼的饼干又细腻又酥脆。)
- He crumbled the wafer into small pieces and sprinkled them over the dessert. (他将圆片弄碎成小块,撒在甜点上。)
- The wafers were stacked neatly on the plate. (薄饼干被整齐地堆放在盘子上。)
- The silicon wafer is an essential component in the manufacturing of semiconductors. (硅片是半导体制造过程中的重要组成部分。)
- She likes to eat plain wafers without any flavorings. (她喜欢吃原味的薄饼干,不加任何调味料。)
- The wafer was consecrated during the religious ceremony. (圣餐圆片在宗教仪式中被祝圣。)
- He ate a wafer as a symbol of his commitment to his faith. (他吃了一块圣餐圆片作为对信仰承诺的象征。)
- The delicate wafer broke into pieces when she bit into it. (当她咬下去的时候,这块精细的圆片断裂成了碎片。)
- She always carries a pack of wafers in her bag for a quick snack. (她总是在包里带一包薄饼干作为快速小吃。)
- The wafer melted in her mouth, releasing its sweet flavor. (薄饼干在她的口中融化,释放出甜蜜的味道。)
- He carefully placed the wafer on the paten before offering it to the communicant. (他小心翼翼地将圣餐圆片放在圣杯托盘上,然后再给领圣体的人。)
- The bakery sells a variety of wafer biscuits, including chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry flavors. (这家面包店销售各种薄饼干,包括巧克力、香草和草莓口味。)
- She broke the wafer in half and shared it with her friend. (她将圆片断成两半,和朋友一起分享。)
- He took a bite of the wafer and savored its delicate texture. (他咬了一口圆片,品味着它的细腻口感。)
- The priest consecrated the wafers during the Eucharist. (牧师在圣餐仪式中祝圣圣餐圆片。)