waltdisney [形容词] (对迪士尼公司或其产品) 有关的,迪士尼的。名词
Waltdisney [名词] (1901-1966) 美国电影制片人,创办了迪士尼公司,以及米老鼠和其他卡通形象。词语辨析
1. Disney 2. Walt Disney Productions反义词
Waltdisney (美国) 迪士尼公司的牛津词典
Waltdisney (美国) 迪士尼公司的用法
- Walt Disney was a visionary and a pioneer in the field of animation. (华特·迪士尼是动画领域的先驱和开创者。)
- Disneyland is a popular theme park based on Walt Disney's characters and stories. (迪士尼乐园是一个基于华特·迪士尼的角色和故事而建立的受欢迎的主题公园。)
- She loves watching Walt Disney movies. (她喜欢看华特·迪士尼的电影。)
- The Waltdisney brand is known for its family-friendly entertainment. (迪士尼品牌以适合全家的娱乐活动而闻名。)
- Waltdisney characters, such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, are beloved by children worldwide. (米老鼠和唐老鸭等华特·迪士尼的角色深受全球儿童喜爱。)
- The Waltdisney merchandise is available for purchase at the theme park. (迪士尼的商品可在主题公园购买。)
- Walt Disney's legacy continues to inspire generations of animators. (华特·迪士尼的遗产继续激励着一代又一代的动画师。)
- She dreams of working for Walt Disney someday. (她梦想有一天能在华特·迪士尼工作。)
- Walt Disney was a pioneer in the field of animation, revolutionizing the industry with his innovative techniques. (华特·迪士尼是动画领域的先驱,以他的创新技术彻底改变了这个行业。)
- The Waltdisney Company is one of the largest and most successful entertainment conglomerates in the world. (迪士尼公司是世界上最大、最成功的娱乐集团之一。)
- They are planning a trip to visit Walt Disney World in Orlando. (他们计划去奥兰多参观华特·迪士尼世界。)
- Walt Disney's vision and creativity continue to inspire storytellers around the world. (华特·迪士尼的愿景和创造力继续激励着全球的故事讲述者。)
- Many children grow up watching Waltdisney movies and dreaming of being part of the magical world. (许多孩子在欣赏华特·迪士尼的电影中长大,并梦想成为这个神奇世界的一部分。)
- Walt Disney's characters have become iconic figures in popular culture. (华特·迪士尼的角色已成为流行文化中的标志性人物。)
- She collects Waltdisney memorabilia, including vintage Mickey Mouse merchandise. (她收集华特·迪士尼的纪念品,包括复古版米老鼠商品。)
- The Walt Disney Company produces a wide range of entertainment content, including movies, TV shows, and theme parks. (迪士尼公司生产各种娱乐内容,包括电影、电视节目和主题公园。)
- Walt Disney's imagination and storytelling abilities were unparalleled. (华特·迪士尼的想象力和讲故事的能力是无与伦比的。)
- She dressed up as a Waltdisney princess for Halloween. (她在万圣节装扮成华特·迪士尼的公主。)
- The Waltdisney films are known for their catchy songs and memorable characters. (华特·迪士尼的电影以其动听的歌曲和令人难忘的角色而闻名。)
- Walt Disney's creativity and innovation have left a lasting impact on the entertainment industry. (华特·迪士尼的创造力和创新精神对娱乐行业产生了持久的影响。)
- The Waltdisney characters have become cultural icons that are recognized and loved worldwide. (华特·迪士尼的角色已成为全球公认和喜爱的文化象征。)