- 1. 围墙的,墙壁的
- 2. 壁垒的,隔离的
名词 - 墙
- 1. 围墙,墙壁
- 2. (建筑物内的)墙体,隔墙
- 3. 城墙,城壁
- 4. (房间、建筑物的)壁垒,界限
- 5. (城市或国家的)防线,边界
名词 - (身体内的)壁垒
- 1. (身体内的)壁垒,阻隔
名词 - (心理上的)壁垒
- 1. (心理上的)壁垒,阻隔
【walls, barriers, fences】
- 1. walls: 指围墙或隔墙,也可指壁垒或界限。
- 2. barriers: 指阻碍或隔断的物体、障碍或困难。
- 3. fences: 指围墙或篱笆,也可指障碍物或隔离措施。
- 1. firewall: 防火墙
- 2. boundary walls: 界墙
- 3. retaining walls: 挡土墙
- 4. curtain walls: 幕墙
- 1. barricades
- 2. partitions
- 3. enclosures
- 4. fortifications
- 1. openings
- 2. entrances
- 3. gates
- 4. exits
1. N-COUNT A wall is one of the vertical sides of a building or room.
2. N-COUNT A wall is a structure of stone or brick that separates areas of land.
1. NOUN A wall is one of the vertical sides of a building or room.
2. NOUN A wall is a layer of something that separates one area of something from another.
3. VERB If you wall a place or area, you build a wall around it or across it in order to enclose it or to block it off.
1. build walls: 建造墙壁
2. a wall of silence: 沉默的墙壁
3. a wall of water: 巨浪
4. a wall of sound: 音墙
5. brick walls: 砖墙
- 1. The walls of the house were painted white. (这所房子的墙壁被涂成了白色。)
- 2. The garden is surrounded by high walls. (花园被高墙围绕着。)
- 3. The walls of the fort were built with stone. (堡垒的城墙是用石头建造的。)
- 4. The walls between the cubicles are very thin. (小隔间之间的墙非常薄。)
- 5. The Berlin Wall separated East and West Germany. (柏林墙将东德和西德隔开。)
- 6. Emotional walls can hinder effective communication. (情感上的壁垒会妨碍有效的沟通。)
- 7. The patient's body was fighting against the cancer, putting up walls to stop its spread. (患者的身体在与癌症作斗争,竖起屏障以阻止其扩散。)
- 8. The walls of the castle provided protection from invaders. (城堡的城墙为入侵者提供了保护。)
- 9. The walls of the classroom were covered in colorful posters. (教室的墙上贴满了五彩缤纷的海报。)
- 10. Building walls around your emotions can lead to feelings of isolation. (在情感上筑起墙壁可能会导致孤立感。)
- 11. The company had to break down the walls between different departments to encourage collaboration. (为了促进合作,公司必须打破不同部门之间的壁垒。)
- 12. The walls of the ancient city still stand as a testament to its rich history. (古城的城墙仍然屹立着,见证着其悠久的历史。)
- 13. The protesters built barricades to block the road. (抗议者建起了路障来封锁道路。)
- 14. The office was divided into small partitions to create individual workspaces. (办公室被划分为小隔间,以创建独立的工作空间。)
- 15. The zoo uses fences to separate different animal enclosures. (动物园使用围栏来分隔不同的动物园舍。)
- 16. The castle was equipped with strong fortifications to defend against attacks. (这座城堡配备了坚固的防御工事,以抵御攻击。)
- 17. The firewall protects the computer network from unauthorized access. (防火墙可以保护计算机网络不受未经授权的访问。)
- 18. The boundary walls mark the limits of the property. (界墙标示出财产的边界。)
- 19. The retaining walls prevent soil erosion on the hillside. (挡土墙防止了山坡上的土壤侵蚀。)
- 20. The building's curtain walls are made of glass and provide insulation. (建筑的幕墙由玻璃制成,具有隔热功能。)