wallless [ˈwɔːllɪs]1. 没有墙壁的;没有围墙的
2. 没有界限的;无所不容的
wallless [ˈwɔːllɪs]1. (建筑) 无墙之地
2. (地理) 无障碍物的区域
wallless 与boundaryless 的区别在于:- wallless强调没有实质性的障碍物,可以是物理的(如墙壁)也可以是抽象的(如界限);
- boundaryless强调没有明确的边界或限制,强调更广泛的自由和开放性。
wallless (ˈwɔːllɪs)1. (建筑) 没有墙壁的
2. 没有界限的;开放的
wallless (ˈwɔːl-lɪs)1. (建筑) 无墙的;没有墙壁的
2. (形势) 无法控制的;没有限制的
- The house had a wallless design, with open spaces blending into each other. (这座房子采用了无墙壁设计,各个空间相互融合)
- In a wallless world, there are no boundaries to hold us back. (在一个没有界限的世界里,没有任何束缚能阻止我们)
- The garden provides a wallless haven for relaxation and contemplation. (花园为放松和沉思提供了一个无墙的避风港)
- She felt a sense of freedom in the wallless landscape. (她在无障碍物的景色中感受到了自由)
- His mind was wallless, open to endless possibilities. (他的思维没有界限,对无尽的可能性敞开着)
- The wallless office layout encourages collaboration and communication among team members. (无墙的办公室布局鼓励团队成员之间的合作和沟通)
- His imagination knows no bounds, his mind is wallless. (他的想象力没有边界,他的思维开放无限)
- They live in a wallless house, where the rooms flow seamlessly into each other. (他们住在一座无墙壁的房子里,各个房间毫无缝隙地连接在一起)
- The concept of a wallless society challenges traditional notions of boundaries and divisions. (无墙社会的概念挑战了传统的边界和分割观念)
- She yearned for a wallless life, where she could explore new horizons without constraints. (她渴望过一种无障碍的生活,能够毫无束缚地探索新的领域)
- They gathered in the wallless area to enjoy the open air and the beautiful view. (他们聚集在无墙的区域,享受着清新的空气和美丽的景色)
- The wallless design of the museum allows visitors to experience art in a more immersive way. (博物馆的无墙设计使游客能够以更加沉浸的方式体验艺术)
- They built a wallless enclosure for the animals, providing them with a natural habitat. (他们为动物建造了一个无墙的围场,为它们提供了自然的栖息地)
- The wallless landscape stretched out before them, inviting them to explore its hidden wonders. (无障碍物的景色在他们面前延伸,邀请他们探索其中的奇妙之处)
- She felt a sense of freedom as she stood in the wallless space, surrounded by nature. (她站在无墙的空间中,被大自然环绕,感受到了自由)
- The wallless society they envisioned was one where people could come together and share ideas without barriers. (他们设想的无墙社会是一个人们可以共同聚集和分享观点的社会,没有任何障碍)
- He found solace in the wallless expanse of the desert, where he could escape from the pressures of city life. (他在无边无际的沙漠中找到了宁静,可以逃离城市生活的压力)
- They built a wallless community center, where people from all walks of life could come together and engage in various activities. (他们建造了一个无墙的社区中心,各行各业的人可以聚集在一起,参与各种活动)
- The wallless nature of the internet has revolutionized the way we access information and connect with others. (互联网的无界限性改变了我们获取信息和与他人联系的方式)
- In a wallless world, the possibilities for collaboration and innovation are endless. (在一个没有障碍的世界里,合作和创新的可能性是无穷无尽的)