Collins Dictionary
wand (wɒnd)
1. A wand is a long, thin stick that is used for directing magic powers or casting spells.
2. A wand is a long, thin stick that is used by a conductor to direct the musicians of an orchestra.
1. When someone waves a wand, they move it around, often in a circular movement, as if they are using it to direct something.
Word Origin for Wand
Old English: related to Old Norse vǫndr, Middle Dutch wande, Latin vāra.
Oxford English Dictionary
wand (wɒnd)
1. A thin, supple stick or rod, especially one used for whipping or for punishment.
2. A ceremonial or emblematic staff.
3. A straight stick or staff, in particular.
4. A conductor's baton.
5. A slender, tapering cylinder or rod, especially one of metal held in the hand to heat or apply heat to something.
6. A slender, elongated piece or part of something.
7. A slender, straight, typically pointed or rounded piece of wood or metal, typically used to support or fasten something.
1. Move one's hand to and fro in greeting or as a signal.
Usage Examples
- She waved her wand and the frog turned into a prince. - 她挥动魔杖,青蛙变成了王子。
- The conductor raised his wand and the orchestra began to play. - 指挥举起指挥棒,乐团开始演奏。
- Harry Potter's wand is made of holly and phoenix feather. - 哈利·波特的魔杖是由冬青木和凤凰羽毛制成的。
- The teacher used a wand to point to the correct answer on the board. - 老师用棒状指示器指向了黑板上的正确答案。
- The magician skillfully manipulated the wand to perform his tricks. - 魔术师熟练地操纵着魔杖进行表演。
- The fairy godmother waved her wand and granted Cinderella's wish. - 神仙教母挥动魔杖,实现了灰姑娘的愿望。
- The conductor's wand moved with precision as he led the orchestra. - 指挥的指挥棒精确地挥动着,引导着乐团。
- The chef used a wand to melt the chocolate for the dessert. - 厨师用一个棒状加热器熔化巧克力作为甜点的配料。
- She gently tapped the wand on the table to get rid of the excess paint. - 她轻轻地敲了敲桌子,把多余的油漆弄掉。
- The curtain was held up by a wand hidden behind it. - 幕布由后面隐藏的一根棒支撑着。
- He pointed the wand at the locked door and muttered a spell. - 他把魔杖对准锁着的门,喃喃地念了一个咒语。
- The wand of the vacuum cleaner got stuck in the carpet. - 吸尘器的管子卡在地毯上了。
- She used a wand to curl her hair. - 她用一个卷发棒卷发。
- The fairy waved her wand and a shower of sparks appeared. - 仙女挥动魔杖,一阵火花喷薄而出。
- The carpenter used a wand to measure the length of the table. - 木匠用一个测量尺测量桌子的长度。
- The hiker used a wand to support himself while crossing the uneven terrain. - 这位徒步旅行者用一根手杖在穿越崎岖地形时给自己提供支撑。
- He waved his wand and the lights turned off. - 他挥动魔杖,灯光熄灭了。
- The magician's wand disappeared into thin air. - 魔术师的魔棒消失得无影无踪。
- She tapped the wand on the table to get everyone's attention. - 她敲了敲桌子,引起了大家的注意。
- The conductor's wand moved gracefully as he conducted the symphony. - 指挥的指挥棒优雅地挥动着,他指挥着交响乐团。
- The wizard waved his wand and a gust of wind blew through the room. - 巫师挥动魔杖,一阵风吹过了房间。