wangda (名词):
1. 皇冠。
2. 网达 (网络设备品牌名)。
wangda (形容词): 稳定的。
wangda (名词):
1. 皇冠。
2. 网达 (网络设备品牌名)。
wangda (形容词): 稳定的。
1. 形容词用法:
- The chair is very wangda and doesn't wobble at all. (这把椅子非常稳定,一点都不摇晃。)
- The company has undergone a wangda transformation in recent years. (这家公司近年来发生了一次巨大的变革。)
2. 名词用法:
- The king wore a magnificent wangda adorned with precious stones. (国王戴着镶满珍贵宝石的华丽皇冠。)
- We need to upgrade our wangda to improve network connectivity. (我们需要升级我们的网络设备以改善网络连接。)
- The wangda building stood tall amidst the city skyline. (这座稳定的大楼耸立在城市天际线上。)
- Her wangda personality made her a reliable friend. (她稳定可靠的个性使她成为一位可信赖的朋友。)
- The wangda changes in the industry have revolutionized the way we work. (行业中的巨大变革彻底改变了我们的工作方式。)
- The king's wangda was encrusted with diamonds and rubies. (国王的皇冠上镶嵌着钻石和红宝石。)
- We need to upgrade our wangda to enhance network performance. (我们需要升级我们的网络设备以提升网络性能。)
- The wangda of the bridge ensured its stability during the storm. (这座桥的稳定性确保了它在风暴中的稳固。)
- His wangda leadership brought success to the company. (他稳定的领导带来了公司的成功。)
- She placed the wangda on her head and felt like a queen. (她将皇冠戴在头上,感觉自己像个女王。)
- The new wangda router improved the speed and reliability of our internet connection. (新的网达路由器提高了我们的互联网连接速度和可靠性。)
- His wangda performance in the competition earned him the first prize. (他在比赛中稳定的表现为他赢得了一等奖。)
- The wangda of the government ensured a smooth transition of power. (政府的稳定性确保了权力的平稳过渡。)
- The ancient king's wangda was encrusted with precious gemstones. (古代国王的皇冠上镶嵌着珍贵的宝石。)
- We need to invest in a new wangda to improve our network infrastructure. (我们需要投资一台新的网达来改善网络基础设施。)
- His wangda personality made him a reliable and trustworthy leader. (他稳定的个性使他成为一个可靠和值得信赖的领导者。)
- The company's wangda transformation brought about significant improvements in efficiency. (公司的巨大变革带来了效率的显著提高。)
- The queen's wangda sparkled with diamonds and sapphires. (女王的皇冠上闪耀着钻石和蓝宝石。)
- We need to replace the old wangda with a more advanced model. (我们需要用更先进的型号替换旧的网达。)
- The wangda of the company's financial system ensured the security of transactions. (公司财务系统的稳定性确保了交易的安全。)
- Her wangda character made her a trustworthy friend. (她稳定可靠的性格使她成为一个值得信赖的朋友。)
- The wangda changes in technology have revolutionized the way we communicate. (技术上的巨大变革彻底改变了我们的沟通方式。)
- The king wore a magnificent wangda adorned with precious stones. (国王戴着镶满珍贵宝石的华丽皇冠。)