weirdo [NOUN] 1. If you describe someone as a weirdo, you disapprove of them because they behave in an unusual way that you find difficult to understand or accept. 2. If someone describes themselves as a weirdo, they mean that they are slightly strange or eccentric. weirdo [ADJECTIVE] 1. If you describe something or someone as weirdo, you mean that they are strange and unusual. 2. If you describe someone as weirdo, you mean that they are strange and eccentric.牛津词典
weirdo [NOUN] 1. (informal) A person whose dress or behavior seems strange or eccentric. 2. (informal) A person who claims or appears to be able to perform acts of magic or witchcraft, or who is otherwise bizarre or eccentric. weirdo [ADJECTIVE] 1. (informal) Strange and bizarre. 2. (informal) Very strange or eccentric.用法
1. My neighbor is a total weirdo. I saw him dancing in his backyard wearing a clown wig.我的邻居是个彻头彻尾的怪人。我看到他戴着小丑假发在后院跳舞。 2. The new student is a bit of a weirdo. He always wears mismatched socks and speaks in rhymes.
这个新学生有点古怪。他总是穿不配的袜子,而且说话总是押韵。 3. Don't mind those weirdos. They're just expressing themselves in their own unique way.
别理会那些怪人。他们只是以独特的方式表达自己而已。 4. She's a self-proclaimed weirdo and proud of it. She embraces her quirks and celebrates her individuality.
她自称是个怪人,并为此感到自豪。她接受自己的古怪之处,庆祝自己的个性。 5. The town is known for its eccentric residents. It's a magnet for weirdos and free spirits.
这个小镇以其古怪的居民而闻名。它吸引了怪人和自由之魂。 6. The party was filled with weirdos and misfits. It was a gathering of unconventional souls.
聚会上充满了怪人和不合群的人。这是一群非传统的灵魂的聚会。 7. He always felt like a weirdo growing up, never quite fitting in with his peers.
他在成长过程中总觉得自己是个怪人,从未能与同龄人融洽相处。 8. She's not a weirdo, just a little eccentric. She has her own unique way of looking at the world.
她不是怪人,只是有点古怪。她有自己独特的看世界的方式。 9. The weirdo down the street is always muttering to himself and wearing a tin foil hat.
住在街上的那个怪人总是自言自语,戴着锡纸帽子。 10. The weirdo artist is known for his avant-garde creations and unconventional performances.
那个怪异的艺术家以他的前卫作品和非传统表演而闻名。 11. Don't judge a book by its cover. Just because someone looks like a weirdo doesn't mean they are one.
不要以貌取人。仅仅因为某人看起来像个怪人,并不意味着他们真的是。 12. She's a bit of a weirdo, but her quirkiness is what makes her so endearing.
她有点怪,但她的古怪特质正是使她如此讨人喜欢的原因。 13. The group of weirdos formed their own little community, where they could be themselves without judgment.
这群怪人组成了自己的小社区,他们可以在那里做自己而不受评判。 14. The weirdo behavior of the man on the bus made everyone feel uncomfortable and uneasy.
公交车上那个人的怪异行为让每个人感到不舒服和不安。 15. She's attracted to weirdos and misfits because she feels like she can relate to their uniqueness.
她被怪人和不合群的人吸引,因为她觉得自己能够与他们的独特之处产生共鸣。 16. The weirdo kid in class always had a knack for coming up with the most bizarre ideas.
班里那个怪孩子总是擅长想出最奇怪的主意。 17. Don't be afraid to be a weirdo. Embrace your quirks and let your true self shine.
不要害怕成为怪人。接受你的古怪之处,让你真实的自己闪耀。 18. The party was a gathering of weirdos and free spirits, each with their own unique story to tell.
这个聚会是一群怪人和自由之魂的聚集,每个人都有自己独特的故事要讲述。 19. The weirdo professor was known for his unconventional teaching methods and eccentric personality.
那个怪异的教授以他非传统的教学方法和古怪的个性而闻名。 20. The town's annual festival attracts all sorts of weirdos and oddballs from near and far.