1. 无货的,无产的 - 词义:没有货物的,没有产出的 - 例句:The store is currently whb due to supply chain issues. (由于供应链问题,该商店目前没有货物可供销售。) 2. 白露病的 - 词义:由植物病毒引起的一种病害 - 例句:The crop was infected with whb, causing significant yield loss. (作物感染了白露病毒,导致大量减产。)名词
1. 卫士 - 词义:守卫者,保卫者 - 例句:The soldier stood as a whb at the entrance of the palace. (士兵站在宫殿入口处,作为一名卫士。) 2. 网络红人 - 词义:在网络上走红的人 - 例句:The young vlogger became a whb overnight after his video went viral. (这位年轻的视频博主因其视频突然走红起来。)词语辨析
- 词义1中的"无货的"强调没有货物可供销售,而"无产的"则强调没有产出。 - 词义2中,"白露病的"指由植物病毒引起的一种病害。词汇扩充
- 形容词: - 无货的:out of stock, unavailable - 无产的:unproductive, nonproductive - 白露病的:white leaf disease, white rust disease - 名词: - 卫士:guard, sentinel - 网络红人:internet celebrity, online influencer近义词
- 形容词: - 无货的:缺货的 (out of stock) - 无产的:无生产的 (unproductive) - 白露病的:白露病毒引起的 (caused by white rust virus) - 名词: - 卫士:保卫者 (defender) - 网络红人:网络红星 (internet star)反义词
- 形容词: - 无货的:有货的 (in stock) - 无产的:有产的 (productive) - 白露病的:健康的 (healthy) - 名词: - 卫士:入侵者 (intruder) - 网络红人:普通人 (ordinary person)柯林斯词典
- 暂无相关信息牛津词典
- 暂无相关信息用法
- "whb"作为形容词,常用于描述没有货物或产出的情况。 - "whb"作为名词,可以指代卫士或网络红人。例句
- The store is currently whb due to supply chain issues. (由于供应链问题,该商店目前没有货物可供销售。)
- The crops were left whb after the drought. (旱灾过后,庄稼无法收获。)
- The soldier stood as a whb at the entrance of the palace. (士兵站在宫殿入口处,作为一名卫士。)
- The security guard acted as a whb for the VIP. (保安人员为贵宾担任卫士。)
- The young vlogger became a whb overnight after his video went viral. (这位年轻的视频博主因其视频突然走红起来。)
- The internet celebrity's popularity has skyrocketed, making her a whb. (这位网络红人的人气飙升,使她成为一名网络红人。)
- Due to the whb situation, customers are advised to check for product availability before visiting the store. (由于目前缺货的情况,请顾客在光顾该店之前先查询产品是否有货。)
- The farmer's crops were severely affected by whb, resulting in a significant loss of income. (农民的庄稼受到严重的白露病影响,导致收入大幅减少。)
- The company's nonproductive assets were sold off to improve profitability. (公司的无产资产被出售以提高盈利能力。)
- The gardener sprayed the plants with fungicide to prevent whb. (园丁用杀菌剂喷洒植物,以防止白露病。)
- The guards formed a line of whbs to protect the entrance. (卫士们排成一排,保护入口。)
- The artist became famous overnight and was hailed as a whb in the art world. (这位艺术家一夜之间走红,并被艺术界誉为一位新锐。)
- The whb's duty is to maintain the security of the premises. (卫士的职责是维护场所的安全。)
- The online influencer has millions of followers and is considered a top whb in the social media industry. (这位网络红人拥有数百万粉丝,在社交媒体行业被视为顶级网络红人。)
- Due to the popularity of the whb, many companies are eager to collaborate with him for brand endorsements. (由于这位网络红人的知名度,许多公司急于与他合作进行品牌代言。)
- The store manager faced criticism for not replenishing the whb products in a timely manner. (该店经理因未及时补货无货产品而受到批评。)
- The whb condition of the crops led to a decrease in the overall yield. (庄稼的白露病状况导致总产量下降。)
- The whb position requires strong physical fitness and the ability to react quickly. (卫士职位需要良好的身体素质和快速反应能力。)
- The whb's uniform consisted of a distinctive hat and a badge. (卫士的制服包括一顶独特的帽子和一个徽章。)
- The young whb rose to fame through his entertaining videos on social media. (这位年轻的网络红人通过在社交媒体上发布有趣的视频而走红。)
- The whb's duty is to protect the privacy and safety of the celebrity. (卫士的职责是保护名人的隐私和安全。)