1. 令人宽慰的;使人感到欣慰的 2. 缓解的;减轻的名词(Noun)
1. 宽慰;欣慰 2. 缓解;减轻词语辨析(Word Differentiation)
relief: 指因不再有痛苦、焦虑或困难而感到宽慰。常用于表示解脱、减轻压力的情境。 whatarelief: 强调宽慰和缓解所带来的明显感觉,常用于表达对危险、紧张局势、病痛等不愉快事物的减轻或解脱。词汇扩充(Vocabulary Expansion)
relieve: 缓解;减轻 reliever: 缓解者;减轻者 relief valve: 减压阀;安全阀 relief pitcher: (棒球)救援投手 relief map: 海拔图;地形图近义词(Synonyms)
comfort, solace, consolation, reassurance, respite, alleviation反义词(Antonyms)
distress, burden, affliction, torment, trouble柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
whatarelief: an expression of gratitude for being saved from trouble, danger, or difficulty牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
whatarelief: used to express satisfaction or gratitude that a difficult or dangerous situation has been overcome用法(Usage)
形容词: - I finally finished my exams. What a relief! - The rain stopped just in time for the outdoor wedding. It was such a relief. 名词: - The news of her safe arrival was a great relief to her parents. - The pain medication provided temporary relief from his chronic backache.相关例句(Example Sentences)
- What a relief! The fire alarm turned out to be a false alarm. - 真是太宽慰了!火警警报原来是虚惊一场。
- After a long and tiring journey, reaching the hotel and finding a comfortable bed was such a relief. - 经过漫长而劳累的旅程,到达酒店并找到舒适的床铺真是令人欣慰。
- The rescue team arrived just in time, bringing relief to the stranded hikers. - 救援队及时赶到,为被困的徒步者带来了解脱。
- Her words of encouragement provided relief to his troubled mind. - 她的鼓励话语给他困扰的心灵带来了宽慰。
- After days of intense heat, the cool breeze brought a welcome relief. - 经过几天的酷热,凉爽的微风带来了令人欢迎的减轻。
- The medication brought only temporary relief to the patient's chronic pain. - 这种药物只为患者的慢性疼痛带来了暂时的缓解。
- She let out a sigh of relief when she saw her lost dog return home. - 她看到她丢失的狗回家时松了一口气。
- His promotion at work was a huge relief after years of struggling. - 经过多年的奋斗,他在工作中的晋升是一个巨大的解脱。
- The company's financial troubles were finally over, bringing a collective relief to the employees. - 公司的财务困境终于结束,给员工们带来了集体的宽慰。
- She felt a sense of relief wash over her as she handed in her completed assignment. - 当她交上完成的作业时,感到一种宽慰感涌上心头。
- The news of his recovery was a great relief to his worried family. - 他康复的消息对他担心的家人来说是一个巨大的宽慰。
- They finally reached the summit of the mountain, and the breathtaking view brought a sense of relief to their tired bodies. - 他们终于到达了山顶,令人叹为观止的景色给他们疲惫的身体带来了一种宽慰感。
- He let out a cry of relief as he found his lost wallet in the back pocket of his jeans. - 当他在牛仔裤后口袋里找到丢失的钱包时,他发出了一声宽慰的叫喊声。
- After weeks of uncertainty, the resolution of the problem was a huge relief for everyone involved. - 经过数周的不确定性,问题的解决对所有涉及方来说都是一个巨大的解脱。
- She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her flight had been delayed, giving her more time to get to the airport. - 她看到航班延误了,为她提供了更多的时间去机场,她松了一口气。
- After months of hard work, the successful completion of the project brought a sense of relief to the entire team. - 经过几个月的努力,项目的成功完成给整个团队带来了一种宽慰感。
- The end of the semester was a relief for the students, as they could finally take a break from studying. - 学期结束对学生来说是一种宽慰,因为他们终于可以休息一下了。
- He let out a cry of relief when he found his lost car keys in his jacket pocket. - 当他在夹克口袋里找到丢失的车钥匙时,他发出了一声宽慰的叫喊声。
- The storm passed, and the clear blue sky brought a sense of relief to the residents. - 暴风雨过去了,晴朗的蓝天给居民带来了一种宽慰感。
- After a long day at work, a hot bath provided relief for her tired muscles. - 工作了一整天后,热水浴为她疲惫的肌肉提供了缓解。