- whaling的中文翻译是“捕鲸的”。
- whaling的中文翻译为“捕鲸”,指捕捞鲸鱼的行为。
- whaling还可以指“捕鲸业”,即从事捕鲸活动的行业。
- whaling也可以指“捕鲸船”,即用于捕捞鲸鱼的船只。
whaling vs whaling industry
whaling指的是捕鲸的行为,而whaling industry指的是从事捕鲸活动的行业。
whale - 鲸鱼
whale oil - 鲸油
whale hunting - 捕鲸
whale conservation - 鲸鱼保护
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
whaling (noun)
- the practice or industry of hunting and killing whales for their oil, meat, or whalebone
- the catching or processing of whales, esp. as a commercial activity
whaling (adjective)
- of, relating to, or engaged in whaling
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
whaling (noun)
- the practice or industry of hunting and killing whales for their oil, meat, or whalebone
- the catching or processing of whales
whaling (adjective)
- relating to or engaged in whaling
1. They used to have a thriving whaling industry in this town. (Collins Dictionary)
2. The whaling ship set sail in search of whales. (Oxford Dictionary)
3. Many countries have banned whaling due to concerns about endangered whale species. (Oxford Dictionary)
- Japan has faced international criticism for its continued whaling activities. - 日本因其持续的捕鲸活动而面临国际批评。
- He worked on a whaling ship in his youth. - 他年轻时在一艘捕鲸船上工作。
- The decline in whale populations led to the decline of the whaling industry. - 鲸鱼数量的下降导致了捕鲸业的衰退。
- Environmental groups are campaigning for a total ban on whaling. - 环保组织正在呼吁全面禁止捕鲸。
- She studied the history of whaling for her research project. - 她为研究项目研究了捕鲸的历史。
- The crew of the whaling ship spotted a pod of whales. - 捕鲸船的船员发现了一群鲸鱼。
- His family has been involved in whaling for generations. - 他的家族世代从事捕鲸业。
- They are conducting research on sustainable whaling methods. - 他们正在进行可持续捕鲸方法的研究。
- The whaling expedition lasted several months. - 捕鲸远征持续了几个月。
- She wrote a book about the history of whaling. - 她写了一本关于捕鲸历史的书。
- His great-grandfather was a whaling captain. - 他的曾祖父是一名捕鲸船长。
- The ban on whaling has helped whale populations recover. - 捕鲸禁令有助于鲸鱼种群的恢复。
- She studied the impact of whaling on marine ecosystems. - 她研究了捕鲸对海洋生态系统的影响。
- They went on a whaling expedition to the Arctic. - 他们进行了一次赴北极的捕鲸远征。
- The whaling industry brought wealth to this coastal town. - 捕鲸业给这个沿海城镇带来了财富。
- He inherited his father's whaling business. - 他继承了父亲的捕鲸生意。
- She joined an organization dedicated to whale conservation. - 她加入了一个致力于鲸鱼保护的组织。
- The town has a museum showcasing its whaling history. - 这个城镇有一个博物馆展示其捕鲸历史。
- He wrote a thesis on the economic impact of whaling in the 19th century. - 他在19世纪捕鲸对经济影响方面写了一篇论文。
- The whaling industry was once a major source of income for the town. - 捕鲸业曾经是该镇的主要收入来源。