wildcat [ˈwaɪldkæt] 1. 野猫的;(指事态、情况等)未受控制的,不受规范的;(指企业、行为等)非法的,未经许可的名词
wildcat [ˈwaɪldkæt] 1. 野猫;野生猫科动物 2. (美国)非法开采者;未经许可的石油井 3. (尤指学生)自发罢课者;闹事者词语辨析
wildcat 和 feral cat 的区别: - wildcat 通常指的是在野外生活的野生猫科动物,没有与人类接触。 - feral cat 是指曾经是家养猫但后来逃离或丢弃的猫,逐渐适应野外环境的。词汇扩充
- wildcat strike(野猫罢工):工人自发举行的未经工会组织的罢工行动。 - wildcat well(非法开采的石油井):未经许可或未经调查的油井。近义词
- untamed - uncontrolled - unregulated - illegal - unauthorized反义词
- domesticated - controlled - regulated - legal - authorized柯林斯词典
wildcat [ˈwaɪldkæt] 形容词 1. 未受控制的;不受规范的 2. 非法的;未经许可的 名词 1. 闹事者;自发罢课者 2. 非法开采者;未经许可的石油井牛津词典
wildcat [ˈwaɪldkæt] 形容词 1. 野猫的 2. 未经许可的;非法的 3. 未受控制的;不受规范的 名词 1. 野猫 2. (美国)非法开采者;未经许可的石油井 3. (尤指学生)自发罢课者;闹事者用法
- The area is populated with wildcat oil wells. (这个地区有很多非法开采的油井。) - The company faced a wildcat strike by its employees. (该公司面临员工自发的野猫罢工。)相关的例句
- The wildcat roamed freely in the forest. (野猫在森林中自由漫游。)
- The situation got out of control and turned into a wildcat strike. (情况失去控制,演变成了一场野猫罢工。)
- The government cracked down on wildcat oil drilling. (政府打击非法开采石油。)
- He is known for his wildcat behavior and disregard for rules. (他以其粗野的行为和对规则的漠视而闻名。)
- She adopted a wildcat kitten she found in the woods. (她收养了在森林里找到的一只野猫小猫。)
- The company had to deal with a series of wildcat strikes. (公司不得不应对一系列的自发罢工。)
- The wildcat oil well caused environmental damage in the area. (非法开采的油井在该地区造成了环境破坏。)
- They organized a wildcat protest against the new policies. (他们组织了一场对新政策的自发抗议。)
- The wildcat population has been declining due to habitat loss. (由于栖息地的丧失,野猫种群一直在减少。)
- The workers staged a wildcat strike demanding better working conditions. (工人们发起了一场要求改善工作条件的自发罢工。)
- The company drilled a wildcat well in search of new oil reserves. (该公司钻探了一个非法开采的油井,以寻找新的油田。)
- She was known for her wildcat spirit and fearless attitude. (她以她的野性精神和无畏的态度而闻名。)
- The wildcat strike lasted for several weeks before an agreement was reached. (野猫罢工持续了几个星期,直到达成一项协议。)
- They encountered a wildcat while hiking in the mountains. (他们在山里徒步旅行时遇到了一只野猫。)
- The company had to shut down the wildcat well due to safety concerns. (由于安全问题,该公司不得不关闭非法开采的油井。)
- The students organized a wildcat protest against the school's decision. (学生们组织了一场对学校决定的自发抗议。)
- He was known for his wildcat tactics in negotiations. (他以他在谈判中的激进策略而闻名。)
- The wildcat oil well caused environmental pollution in the area. (非法开采的油井在该地区造成了环境污染。)
- The workers went on a wildcat strike to demand higher wages. (工人们举行了一次野猫罢工,要求提高工资。)
- They adopted a wildcat rescue kitten from the animal shelter. (他们从动物收容所领养了一只野猫救援小猫。)
- The wildcat strike disrupted production at the factory. (野猫罢工扰乱了工厂的生产。)